Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2424: We didn't bully her

"Auntie?" Mu Xiaoxiao narrowed her eyes dangerously when she heard this title, looking fierce.

This little **** actually called her aunt?

She is so young and beautiful, where does she look like an aunt? !!

The little boy realized that he was wrong, and quickly changed his voice, "Sister, sister, pretty sister, sorry, I called wrong."

Mu Xiaoxiao snorted with his hands on his hips.

Another little boy stepped forward and explained, "Sister, he doesn't have good eyes, so he read it wrong, not because he called your aunt on purpose. Don't get angry."

Mu Xiaoxiao saw that the attitude of these little boys was pretty good, and his expression slowed down a bit.

"You said, why did you just bully her?"

She asked the little girl around her in a protective gesture.

The little boy shook his head and explained, "No, we didn't bully her!"

The little girl dragged Mou Xiaoxiao's hand and said, "Sister, they didn't bully me. They are my classmates. Come and see me and play with me."

May be afraid that Mu Xiaoxiao is still angry, the little girl explained again, "Xiao Jie's eyes are really not good, he is amblyopic, so I misread you, call your aunt, beautiful sister, do n’t be angry Okay? "

After understanding the situation, Mu Xiaoxiao showed a sweet smile.

"No, I'm not angry with him. His name is Xiaojie? Which one?"

Like Yin Shaojie's pronunciation, this made Mu Xiaoxiao pay more attention to the little boy with amblyopia.

"Well! Outstanding Jay," the little girl explained.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked, "How old are you? You actually know outstanding Jay."

"I'm six years old," the little girl replied obediently.

Mu Xiaoxiao touched her head. "Okay, you play, but be careful, don't run after it. This is a hospital. There are many patients. It ’s not good to hit other patients, you know?"

"Well, I see." The children answered in unison, and then ran together.

Mu Xiaoxiao went to the bench and sat down in the sun.

After a while, the little girl ran back again, handed her a lollipop, "Pretty sister, this is for you. They bought it for me."

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed. "Just call my sister. You don't need to add the word beautiful."

It can be seen from this that the little girl is considerate but sensitive.

Only six years old ...

She asked, "What's wrong with you?"

The little girl had a lollipop in her mouth and shook her head. "I don't know ... it seems to be a serious illness."

"Serious illness?" Mu Xiaoxiao's expression froze, "How long have you been hospitalized?"

The little girl counted with her finger. "Two days a day ... It seems like my mother said it's been over a month."

After staying for so long, it does not seem to be a minor illness.

Mu Xiao touched her head carefully, "You are awesome, you are strong."

The little girl laughed, her smile was innocent and cute.

"Thank you sister."

Mu Xiaoxiao asked, "Those little boys, are they your good friends? So come to the hospital to see you and play with you."

"Hmm!" The little girl nodded, and she looked down at Mu Xiaoxiao's lollipop and asked, "Sister, don't you like strawberry flavor? Would you like me to give you another flavor?"

Mu Xiaoxiao knew she was sensitive. If she didn't eat her candy, the child might think more, thinking she didn't like it.

So she unpacked and put sugar in her mouth.

"Yes, I like strawberries very much. How do you know I like strawberries? You're too smart."

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