Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2434: Show it to someone (1)

"I'll go open the door," Yin Shaoji said, and walked towards the door.

Here is his apartment after all, he is the host family, of course he went to open the door.

What did Song Shijun think of? He pointed at the door and made a gesture, and said with a smile, "I guess it is-Sir Alex!"

Just after finishing speaking, Yin Shaojiao opened the door.

The person standing outside was indeed Ye Sijue.

Han Qiqing looked at Song Shijun in surprise, and asked, "How do you know it is him?"

When did this guy have this super power?

Song Shijun smiled hesitantly, "Because he just asked me where we were on WeChat, and I told him that we were in Shaoxing's apartment, but he didn't expect him to arrive so soon."

Han Qiqing gave him a glance.

It turned out that, I thought he really had a special function.

When Song Shijun saw Ye Sijue coming in, he asked, "Why are you so fast? Is it nearby?"

Ye Sijue responded, "Well."

Song Shijun said, "We are going to buy food and cook. Would you like to go together?"

Ye Sijue was surprised, "Buy food and cook? You?"

He glanced at Yin Shaojie and Song Shijun.

Song Shijun stepped over his shoulder and said, "It's not me, it's our Master Yin, who said he would cook rice for small snacks."

Yin Shaojie was too lazy to explain, and said, "Let's go, let's go, Qi Qing, you are here with Xiao Xiao, pay attention to safety."

Han Qiqing made an OK gesture and said, "No problem, you go quickly. I'm a bit hungry. By the way, I can buy something that can be eaten immediately. Anything is fine."

Therefore, the newly arrived Ye Sijue was taken downstairs by Yin Shaojie and Song Shijun.

Three boys go shopping together?

This picture is a bit beautiful ...

In the underground garage, the three chose to drive his car out because Ye Sijue's car was closer.

"Go to a nearby supermarket?" Song Shijun, who was in charge of driving, asked.

He touched Ye Sijue ’s sports car, and with admiration, he could n’t help but said to Ye Sijue, “Sijue, your car is so beautiful. I really envy you two, and you can buy a sports car casually.

He also wants a sports car.

However, even if he has money, he cannot buy it.

After all, his identity is easy to check, especially their Song family has always been proud in politics, so many enemies are staring at them, waiting for them to make mistakes.

Ye Sijue said, "If you like, this car will be left for you."

Song Shijun stunned and heard his words a little strange.

"Leave it to me later? What do you mean?"

Ye Sijue groaned and said, "I came to you today, just to discuss something with you."

"What's the matter?" Song Shijun cried suddenly, turning his head and asking.

Yin Shaojiu sat behind him and took a photo of his seat to remind him, "Drive seriously."

Song Shijun hurriedly looked ahead.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Ye Sijue glanced back at Yin Shaoji, and said, "I plan to ... marry Xiaomeng, so I'll ask you for an idea."

"Wow! Proposal? Good!" Song Shijun patted the steering wheel excitedly.

He could not help expressing his complaints to Yin Shaoji.

"Prior to the proposal of Xiao Xiao and Xiao Xiao, it was his idea and he didn't discuss it with us. It was really boring. For such a big thing, of course, he had to ask his brother for help. You are enough brother! "

Yin Shaoyi pushed him back.

Ye Sijue laughed, "I'm not as romantic as he is."

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