Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2462: Yin Shaojie is not an ordinary vinegar jar (1)

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded and said, "Okay."

She lowered her paintbrush and was ready to bend over to pick up the painting aside.

When the art teacher saw it, she stopped and said, "Let's get it, is this it?"

After all, the other person is a teacher. Mu Xiaoxiao is still very respectful and says with a smile, "I'll take it, the teacher, is this due?"

"No need to pay ..."

The art teacher hadn't finished speaking yet, so it happened that Mu Xiao turned the painting over and handed it to her, and she was holding her back.

"Mu, Mu Xiaoxiao ... Are you painting this or this? Are you really painting this?"

After the art teacher asked, he secretly took a breath.

Mu Xiaoxiao wondered why her expression was so exaggerated and nodded, "Yeah."

The art teacher looked at the painting, and then looked at her, unbelievable.

"Mu Xiaoxiao, did you ... learn to paint since childhood?"

But even if you learn to paint from an early age, it is difficult to draw such a spiritual painting.

Yes, spirituality!

In addition to a good-looking painting, the most important thing is spirituality.

Just like some people draw a bird, it is just a bird, but a spiritual person draws it. The bird is as lifelike as if it could fly in the next second.

This is spirituality.

The art teacher dare not say that she has spirituality. If she had this spirituality, she would not be just an art teacher!

After hearing the teacher's question, Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head and said, "No, I just learned it a few years ago."

The art teacher took another breath, "You only studied for a few years?"

This is not scientific!

Too unscientific!

The art teacher looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with a sad expression.

Is this the gift of legend?

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed to say, "Speaking ... I didn't really learn it. I just learned it in class before, and then I met some artists and followed them."

For a while when she was in contact with oil painting, she liked to paint.

Her father saw that she liked it so much, so he asked some artists to communicate with her.

From time to time, she followed the painters to go out to sketch, and those painters didn't teach her anything, but to communicate with her the meaning of painting.

They all say that drawing is just drawing as you want.

Everyone's heart is different, and the paintings reflected are different.

Every famous painter has his own style.

Mu Xiaoxiao also later learned that these painters are well-known figures in the art world.

It is estimated that she can scare the art teacher in front of her by just saying a name.

So she answered very concisely.

The art teacher heard her answer with a deep expression on her face.

"I have studied painting for so many years, and taught painting for so many years. For the first time, I have met you so talented ..."

It turns out that there is such a thing as talent.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't take the teacher's words too seriously.

When she was in the United States, her painting teacher praised her so much, but she felt that all American teachers were like this, and they would encourage students and praise them.

She doesn't feel that she paints well, there is nothing remarkable about it.

It's just better than other students.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled at the teacher and thanked politely, "Thank you for your compliment, I will continue to work hard."

The art teacher looked at her painting and still felt, "This ... oh my god, if this painting is used for the competition, maybe it will win the prize!"

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