Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2464: Yin Shaojie is not an ordinary vinegar jar (3)

Without waiting for him to speak, the art teacher issued a sigh of praise that seemed to have been suppressed for a long time, "This painting is too delicate! This processing method is simply his wife's art!"

Although Mu Xiaoxiao did not finish painting the avatar, he only painted half of it, oh no, strictly speaking, it was three quarters.

Because she started drawing from the lower half, the lower half is complete.

Ingenious is her approach.

On the upper half of the face, she only painted the left side, and the right side was blank.

She blurred the edges.

The blank space on the right highlights the eye on the left, which makes people seem to be seen through the heart.

Mu Xiaoxiao said to Lu Yichen, "I'm sorry, I don't have time to finish painting, I can only do this. If you mind, I'll draw another one for you next time."

The art teacher's face shuddered, she wanted to raise her hand shamelessly, and wanted her to help her draw a picture.

After hearing her voice, Lu Yichen took his eyes back.

He said wryly, "No, it's very good, very good."

This is the first time he has been painted.

But she did not expect that she would paint so well.

The surrounding classmates crowded in curiously, all eager to see.

Everyone who saw the portrait took a breath.

At first glance, it seemed as if he was sucked by Lu Yichen's left eye in the portrait.

"Oh my god! Is this really Mu Xiaoxiao's painting? It's so beautiful!"

"This eye ... I feel like my soul is sucked away by this eye, it's incredible."

"Besides saying good-looking, my vocabulary is scarce, and I can't think of other words to describe it."

Mu Xiaoxiao is more concerned about after school, she is busy packing the easel and paint.

Lu Yichen helped her clean up together.

Mu Xiaoxiao saw the handprints he had just printed on his clothes.

Feeling embarrassed, she said, "Or else, I'll pay you a T-shirt?"

Lu Yichen smiled and said, "No, maybe you will become a famous artist someday. Is this your signature? But it is very valuable!"

"It won't be possible, and I don't want to be a painter." Mu Xiaoxiao laughed.

Lu Yichen asked, "You paint so well, why haven't you thought about becoming a painter?"

Mu Xiaoxiao said straightforwardly, "I never thought about it, no reason."

Lu Yichen remembered her identity and didn't ask any more.

Indeed, in her capacity, there is no need to be a painter.

Painting as a hobby is also good.

On the side, the art teacher was still admiring the portrait of Mu Xiaoxiao's newly painted character. When she saw that Mu Xiaoxiao was about to put away, she reluctantly retracted her eyes.

Spiritual paintings are unforgettable.

It even tastes more and more, and every time I see it, I have a different perception.

The art teacher murmured, "I'm going to sketch next class ..."

She wanted to see what Mu Xiaoxiao would draw next time and what kind of surprise she would give her.


Mu Xiaoxiao's two paintings were quickly posted to the school forum.

Although the landscape painting is beautiful, everyone's attention is focused on Lu Yichen's portrait.

Many people even posted themes to discuss Lu Yichen's painting, and ... the meaning behind it.

"Aside from Mu Xiaoxiao's good painting, haven't everyone noticed the emotions in this painting? If not for Lu Yichen, how could Mu Xiaoxiao draw such a deep painting?"

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