Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2466: King of Asian Vinegar (1)

King of Asian Vinegar?

Hearing this word, Mu Xiaoxiao froze.

However, it's quite suitable for Yin Shaojie!

Yin Shaojie's vinegar strength is indeed great, and the name of the Asian vinegar king is well deserved.

Han Qiqing said bitterly, "Although I also think that this is not a big deal, don't you just draw a picture for a friend? But Yin Shaojie will be jealous, so you still have to think about how to coax him.

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, "Aren't I thinking?"

Han Qiqing raised a finger and said, "First, you must have a sincere attitude of admitting mistakes."

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "Huh!"

"As for the second point ..." Han Qiqing thought with his chin.

Mu Xiaoxiao opened his ears and listened carefully.

Han Qiqing sneered at her, "I don't think about it for the time being."

Mu Xiaoxiao made an inverted posture.

Han Qiqing said, "However, Yin Shaojie isn't jealous once or twice. You should be very experienced, right? Combine your previous experience and think about how to coax him."

Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and said, "Coax him ... this guy loves it so much that he just misses me ..."

Some indescribable pictures came to her mind and her ears were red.

Han Qiqing didn't notice her shy expression, waiting for her to continue.

"What does he want?"

Of course Mu Xiaoxiao could not describe the details with her!

"It's nothing, I'll think about how to coax him, and where is he now?"

Find Yin Shaoyin's person first and see what he thinks about it.

Han Qiqing pointed upstairs and said, "It's about to come down at the meeting."

They sat down next to the sofa.

Han Qiqing is holding a mobile phone and is still reading posts on the forum.

Mu Xiaoxiao was worried that she would misunderstand if she watched too much. She reached out and shook her hands. "Don't watch, those people are nonsense. I never had anything with Lu Yichen."

She wondered, why every time she and Lu Yichen were involved, it seemed to be particularly troublesome.

Han Qiqing said, "I know, I'll take a look and see how much they can edit ... Wow! Look at this post!"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head and said, "I don't watch!"

She didn't want to read nonsense.

Han Qiqing pulled her and said, "Look at it, this post says that Lu Yichen's identity is different now, and you are likely to rekindle his old relationship, and it will tell you that a woman who loves power ... laugh Damn me! "

If these people knew their little real identities, they would be scared to death.

Still greedy for power!

Do you use power in a small capacity?

I don't know where I got Han Qiqing's smile. Han Qiqing couldn't laugh on the sofa.

She seemed to be fantasizing the picture.

The moment the people in the school knew Xiao Xiao's true identity, they looked shocked, stunned and confused ...

Hahahaha, the scene must be particularly funny!

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her with no expression.

"Is it so funny?"

"Ha ha ha, yes! Yes!" Han Qiqing smiled, nodded, and covered her stomach.

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

This girl's smile is really low.

Feeling like laughing any longer, she is going to laugh.

Mu Xiaoxiao was suddenly worried about her.

"Okay, don't laugh."

"No ... These posts are so funny, you look at this post again and say you said ... Hahaha, no, I laughed so much that my stomach hurts, hahaha ..." Han Qiqingwo laughed on the sofa. .

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