Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2487: Book is Mu Xiaoxiao (2)

"Is Xiaolu? It turns out to be Xiaolu! I just said, if you paint so well, who will be in our class, I didn't expect it to be Xiaolu."

"Xiao Lu's sketch is really good, but I didn't expect her to improve so much."

"I thought it would be in the third senior class. I didn't expect it to be our class. Now we have a celebrity in our class!"

The female student who had just borrowed watercolors had an unbelievable expression on her face, "It's Xiaolu? No! It's her!"

"The forum posts have burst out. Will there be fake?"

"If I say that, I remember, of the classmates who live in the school dormitory, Xiaolu lives with other classes."

There are four people in a dormitory. There are nine people living in the art class. Just when Zhao Xiaolu comes out, she can only live with students from other classes.

"Wow, Xiaolu, I envy you so much. I read the forum posts, and they are all bragging about you."

"I'm even more envious that you should have seen your paintings. He must have been impressed with you. I also want to know that I do not exist ..."

For Shangde's girls, Yin Shaojie is the coveted prince of the white horse. Even if he just looks at him, he can excite them all day long.

The female student who borrowed watercolors pushed Zhao Xiaolu, but still didn't want to believe, and asked, "Xiao Lu, really did you draw? Recently we are all studying watercolors. Have you secretly learned sketches? Progress so much."

"I ..." Zhao Xiaolu opened his mouth and wanted to speak.

At this time, someone entered the art room, knocked on the door and said, "Xiao Lu, the teacher is looking for you."

Anxious to escape from her current situation, Zhao Xiaolu stood up abruptly and responded, "Okay, I'll be right there. I'll go to the teacher first."

She fled and ran out of the art room.

In the corridor, she patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

But his expression was annoyed.

That's not what she painted ...

She should be frank.

Last night, she picked up a book and unintentionally opened it. It was found that the paintings were all Yin Shaoyan and the paintings were wonderful. She was obsessed with the painter's delicate strokes and was obsessed with the paintings.

She has always been secretly in love with Yin Shaoji.

Being so high, like an Apollo god, is a dream of all girls in Suntech.

Girls will have a pink dream.

Eager to be the heroine of an idol drama, and have a romantic love with the handsome and affectionate male lead.

Zhao Xiaolu is no exception.

Originally, she had no intention of keeping the book as her own.

She just felt that the painting was too good. The shame in it made her feel as if she were close at hand, and those deep and charming black eyes seemed to be her.

She was intoxicated.

After returning to the dormitory, the book was discovered by a roommate.

She wanted to hide, but it was too late.

The roommate thought that the painting in her son was painted by her, and also discovered her secret love for Yin Shaoyu.

She was a bit flustered at the time and forgot to clarify that the painting was not hers.

She did not expect that things would turn out like this.

At the school forum, almost all the discussions were about these paintings. Many people were boasting, and many people were saying that if they saw these paintings less often, they would be moved, maybe they would like the girl.

Will it ... will it?

Zhao Xiaolu shook her head to stop thinking about it.


Xiao Shao has proposed to Mu Xiaoxiao, which shows that he loves Xiao Xiao very much.

But ... she didn't control it, and read the post yesterday night.

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