Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2489: Book is Mu Xiaoxiao (4)

The teacher said, "Yeah."

Hearing this sentence made her heart half cold.

In other words, without these paintings, she would not get a recommendation opportunity to participate in this international painting competition.

Zhao Xiaolu pursed her lips and plunged into a tug of war.

After all, this painting is not hers.

When she goes to participate in the competition, it will be exposed!

It's even more ugly by then.

That ’s not as good, now confess that painting is not yours ...

Yes, she wants to confess.

Zhao Xiaolu called up the courage and said to the teacher, "Actually, teacher, those paintings ..."

The teacher understood and patted her generally and said, "The teacher knows that you can draw those paintings because you have injected a very deep affection for the people inside. Although the teacher understands you, your usual drawing skills have not yet reached this level. A high degree, but I heard that this year ’s competition is dominated by figure painting, so as long as you are engaged in this feeling during the competition, the teacher is very optimistic about you. ”

"But teacher, no, I ..." she stammered.

The teacher thought she was nervous and smiled, "I will tell you another good news. This competition has an extra reward. The famous American painter Elizabeth will be the main judge of this time. The top ten will be able to learn with Elizabeth for a month. "


Zhao Xiaolu took a breath.

I can learn from a well-known painter like Elizabeth for a month. Just write this item into her resume, she will not know how many steps higher than other students in the future.

Her throat seemed to be choked, and those words that she had thought about frankly had been strangled in the cradle.

She ... couldn't confess.

This opportunity, she cannot lose!

Zhao Xiaolu stumbled out of the teacher's office, and the whole person was still swimming.

National Painting Competition ...

Learn from the famous American painter Elizabeth for a month ...

God, is she dreaming?

She could get this recommendation!

If this class is made known to their classmates, she will be envious of her.

Zhao Xiaolu's heart swelled with an indescribable strange feeling, which made her a little bit floating.

The teacher also said that she had a good chance to win the ranking.

As long as you get the top ten, you can go to the United States and learn from Elizabeth for a month.

Zhao Xiaolu didn't realize that his hand had been clenched into a fist because of excitement.

She couldn't miss such a good opportunity.

So, I'm sorry, the owner of that book, I'm sorry, she has to take the name of these paintings first.

The good news, she wanted to be the first to share it with her mother.

When she took out her mobile phone and was about to call her mother, she saw a text message.

A text message from an unknown number, and many missed calls.

This number ...

By the way, Mu Xiaoxiao called her before.

Zhao Xiaolu remembered it.

She couldn't help but guess, Mu Xiaoxiao called her, should it be Yin Yin's business? Those who painted were Shao Yin Yin, and various forums said that she and Yin Shao Yin might develop into lovers.

Is Mu Xiaoxiao jealous?

So call to warn her?

Although Zhao Xiaolu was sorry, she was also fortunate that she did not receive a call from Mu Xiaoxiao.

She didn't know how to face Mu Xiaoxiao.

Although he couldn't answer the phone, Zhao Xiaolu opened a text message sent by Mu Xiaoxiao and wanted to see what Mu Xiaoxiao would say.

When she saw the text message, she stayed alone.

"That book ... is Mu Xiaoxiao?"

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