Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2491: Destruction book (2)

How to hide it?

Do you know that the book is Mu Xiaoxiao?

If you know ...

Zhao Xiaolu didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Seeing her daze again, her classmate pushed her and asked, "What did the teacher just tell you to do? Is it good to see you so dazzling? Is it good to leave? Come in and talk to everyone."

Zhao Xiaolu was pushed into the art room.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were betting on her, as if waiting for her to announce some good news.

Zhao Xiaolu paused and didn't know what was the driving force. The ghost sent him down and he said it.

"The teacher just told me that the school gave me a place in the International Painting Competition ..."

As soon as this word was spoken, everyone immediately broke into an uproar.

The voices of envy and hatred overlapped.

"What? Isn't this place usually for high school seniors? How could it be for you?"

"Xiao Lu, didn't you lie? Really? The school really gave you this place?"

"Awesome! Xiao Lu, you are so good! I envy you!"

Zhao Xiaolu was so big, and for the first time like today, it became the focus of attention and became the object of envy and envy.

It turns out ... this feels so good.

Secretly pressing down on that guilty conscience and anxiety, she hung a humble yet sweet smile.

"I was also very surprised. I didn't expect to get this place. At first I thought the teacher was lying to me."

Suddenly, the class applauded.

Although several people seem reluctant.

"Good little Lu! You defeated the senior junior and senior sister, grabbed this place, and glorified our sophomore year!"

"Xiao Lu, you are so hidden! Let's talk, how did the school think of giving you a place?"

"Does the teacher have anything to say? Xiao Lu, please tell me!"

Many people in the class will have a good relationship with the teacher in private, but they have no chance to get this place.

This place actually fell on Zhao Xiaolu's head, which is definitely a surprising thing.

Everyone knows that Zhao Xiaolu definitely did not get this place through the back door.

Not through the back door, that is strength?

Suddenly, someone speculated, "Shouldn't ... Is Xiao Shao fancy Xiaolu, to help in secret?"

Otherwise, how could such a rare place be given to Zhao Xiaolu?

This speculation immediately attracted the concurrence of some people.

"Yes, yes, maybe that's it! As long as you have one sentence, you can give this quota to anyone you want."

Zhao Xiaolu was a little hesitant.

can you?

Although she didn't think so, in her own mind, there was a dark corner of joy and fantasy.

Someone looked at Zhao Xiaolu and teased, "Xiao Lu, if you really become a young girlfriend in the future, don't forget us."

"Yes, yes, don't forget Gou Fugui!"

"Do not forget Gou Fugui!"

Zhao Xiaolu was held up by them a little bit. Although they knew these words were false, people would inevitably have unrealistic illusions.

Even if she did not become a young girlfriend in the future.

But as long as she participates in this competition and gets the top ten nouns, she can learn from Elizabeth. In the future, her future is unlimited!

At this time, someone said in a sour voice, "Xiao Lu, I heard that the top ten people in this international painting competition can be students of the famous painter Elizabeth. Is this news true?"

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