Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2493: Destruction book (4)

Destroying this book by yourself is equivalent to destroying Mu Xiao's hard work once.

Is she really going to do this?

If Mu Xiaoxiao used the strong attitude of bullying, she would destroy the book without hesitation.

However, she just likes Mu Xiaoxiao who has such a good personality.

Zhao Xiaolu took a deep breath and fell into a difficult struggle.

At this time, someone pushed open the door of the dormitory.


Zhao Xiaolu was startled. He heard the voice of his roommate. He hurriedly put the book down and stuffed it into a pile of books on the desk.

"You ... how did you get back to the dorm this time?"

It also happened to be the roommate who put the painting on the book on the forum.

The roommate looked at her puzzledly. "I should ask you this, why are you going back to the dormitory this time?"

"I ... I'll get something back ..." Zhao Xiaolu lied nervously.

The roommate teased, "I know. Everyone knows that the painting was made by you, so I asked you to show it to you? Xiaolu, you have to thank me because you are so famous. "

Zhao Xiaolu was contradictory.

She is actually a bit resentful of her roommate. If she did not post the painting to the forum without permission, she would not fall into the current situation.

However, if this is not the case, you will not get a place in the International Painting Competition.

Zhao Xiaolu stood up, hesitated, and tore the book stuffed into the pile of books again.

"That ... I went to class."

"Wait for me. I'll go down after I change my shoes. I forgot that I have sports classes today. I forgot to wear sneakers. Hey, Xiaolu, wait for me!

Zhao Xiaolu did not wait for her.

She needs to find a place no one needs to hide the book.

Or ... consider destruction.

In fact, destruction is the most thorough and safest way.

However, as long as she thought of Mu Xiaoxiao's text message, she could not get this cruel heart ...

What to do? What to do? What to do!

Zhao Xiaolu is completely out of control.

She walked on the school road, confused, not knowing where to go.

Bypassing the crowded playground and basketball court, she walked along the edge of the campus, planning to find an unoccupied corner and think quietly.

Walking and walking, bumped into a person stupidly.

Because she was always thinking about things, she didn't pay attention wherever she went, let alone pay attention to people.

"I'm sorry." She instinctively apologized.

"It's okay." A magnetic voice.

Zhao Xiaolu only felt that his heart had stopped.

She couldn't hear the sound of anyone talking around, but just raised her head slyly and looked at Yin Shaoyuan in front of her.

She ... it was him!

This plot, comparable to an idol drama, gave her the illusion of dreaming.

Noisy sounds came from my ears.

Someone recognized her, pointed to her and said she was Zhao Xiaolu.

Zhao Xiaolu couldn't hear anything, and stared straight at Yin Shaoyan in front of him.

Yin Shaoxu bowed his head and saw the book being hit on the ground.

He picked it up, turned it over, and looked at the painting inside.

After turning a few pages, the long fingers stopped, and the deep black eyes turned to Zhao Xiaolu's face. He opened his thin lips lightly and asked with a nice voice, "Is this what you painted?"

Zhao Xiaolu nodded subconsciously.

But suddenly I remembered that this book was Mu Xiaoxiao.

For a while, like rubbing his throat.

Watched by his dark eyes that are as intoxicating as the stars, she was as if in a dream.

If she admits that she painted it ...

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