Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2495: When you die of me? (2)

It has been said that the painting belongs to Zhao Xiaolu, and everyone is waiting for Yin Shao's response.

What would he say?

Would you say that the drawing is good?

Zhao Xiaolu was also holding his breath and staring at Yin Shaoyi quietly.

The roommate waited for a few seconds and was impatient.

"Say, you ... don't you show your stance? Have you seen all these paintings on the forum? And the posts on the forum ..."

Yin Shaoji interrupted her noise and said indifferently, "I haven't seen it."

After speaking, he returned the book to Zhao Xiaolu and turned to leave.

"Wait!" The roommate froze, but quickly reacted and called to him, "Say, how could you have never seen this? Xiao Lu's paintings are discussed on the forum. You can't have seen them." Why do you say that? Do you know how it hurts you? "

She didn't believe that I hadn't seen the post on the forum!

Zhao Xiaolu felt very frustrated when he heard Yin Shaoji said that he hadn't seen it.

It turns out that the analysis of those posts on the forum is not credible ...

Zhao Xiaolu watched her roommate so excited and dragged her, "Forget it, don't say it."

Who knows, her roommate was upset for her, "Xiao Lu, you are just too kind to be bullied. Even if he is a high-minded young man, he cannot bully people like this."

Zhao Xiaolu was a little confused.

She didn't think that he was bullying people ...

Isn't it a commonplace for Shao to turn a blind eye to others?

The roommate ran over and stopped in front of Yin Shaoyu, with a look of justice.

"Sao, even if you haven't seen the photos I posted on the forum, but you just saw the book of Xiaolu's paintings with your own eyes? You can also feel how deep Xiaolu likes you Don't you think you should take a stand? "

Yin Shaoyan's eyes were slightly cold, and he glanced at her and said, "Get away."

No one can order him to do anything.

The roommate was shocked by his eyes, and took a step back.

"You ... you can't live up to Xiao Lu's affection for you, even if you are not touched ..."

She felt that she didn't let him promise to be with Xiaolu, just let him take a stand and be gentle with Xiaolu. Is there anything wrong? Is this reasonable?

A girl is so affectionate to you that you not only don't appreciate it, you are still indifferent.

How could this be!

This is too much!

Yin Shaojie said coldly, "She likes me, what's the matter with me?"

In a word, Zhao Xiaolu's heart suddenly fell into the bottom of the cold.

"How can you say that? You are so hurting!" The roommate was angrily annoyed for Zhao Xiaolu.

She thought that it must have been that Xiao Shao hadn't felt how deep Xiao Lu's affection was for him.

The roommate grabbed the book from Zhao Xiaolu and held it in front of Yin Shaojiu.

"Sao, you look at it again. If you look at the painting in this book from beginning to end, you will know how much Xiao Lu likes you!"

Yin Shaojie didn't answer, his hands were around his chest, his attitude was very cold.

He said coldly, "No need."

"Say, I beg you, please take a look!"

The roommate was in a hurry, and handed the book closer, and had to poke on Yin Shao's face.

Yin Shao frowned and took a step back.

"I said, I don't watch!"

"How can you do that? Are you afraid? Are you afraid you like Xiaolu, aren't you? So you don't dare to look, you dare not face it!" The roommate was anxious, and he was talking nonsense, but he himself It makes perfect sense.

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