Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2497: When you die of me? (4)

The change of plot made a sudden uproar among the people present.

The roommate continued to admire Xiaoxiao, "Don't you paint well? You have the ability to paint yourself! Why grab other people's paintings? Is it because Xiaolu's paintings are now famous?"

"Don't think I don't know. You're just jealous. I'm afraid you won't because Xiaohua likes these paintings, right? So you rush to say that they are yours."

"If you don't have the ability to draw such a good picture, don't grab others!"

The other side is like a machine gun, one sentence after another, so Mu Xiaoxiao has no chance to interrupt.

Mu Xiaoxiao had no way to yell at her in public.

Her upbringing prevented her from doing such things.

Mu Xiaoxiao was too lazy to take care of this girl, still looked at Zhao Xiaolu and said to her, "Tell me to return the book, you know it's mine."

She has a very good attitude. If the other party does this, she won't mind using snatches.

She just wanted to get her book back now.

For her, the book is the most important.

Zhao Xiaolu's hand shook.

Seeing her manual operation, her roommate thought she was soft-hearted and wanted to give the book to Mu Xiaoxiao, and immediately reached out to grab the book.

"Xiao Lu, don't give it to you! You are so bullied!"

Zhao Xiaolu shook his head and said, "No ..."

The book was originally Mu Xiaoxiao.

Although, she really did not want to return to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Returning it does not mean admitting to everyone that he is shameless and treats Mu Xiaoxiao as his own?

But obviously she never said that these paintings were made by herself ...

It was her roommate who put the painting on the forum without permission.

Zhao Xiaolu felt innocent.

But no one else knew she was innocent!

As long as it is confirmed that the book is Mu Xiaoxiao and the painting inside is Mu Xiaoxiao, she will be cast aside by everyone in the future.

In this way, how will she survive in Sunde in the future?

Thinking of this result, Zhao Xiaolu was afraid.

Therefore, she did not deny what the roommate said, and she let the roommate misunderstand and fight for her ...

After drinking from her roommate, part of the crowd chose to believe her.

"I think this girl is right. The painting is made by Zhao Xiaolu. Mu Xiaoxiao thinks she has a young girl who can support her. She can do whatever she wants. As long as she says her book is hers, she will believe her, and let us all She painted it. "

"Oh, it's true that you can do whatever you want when you are rich and powerful."

"We can't let Mu Xiao succeed, we must resist her!"

"Yes! We believe in Zhao Xiaolu!"

The emotions were turbulent and was brought to a rhythm.

The roommate looked at Mu Xiaoxiao proudly, "You see, everyone believes me! You don't want to think about it, are you so stupid? Would you believe you? You are not in the art class, even if the oil painting you painted before is good, Everyone is holding you in the face of a young man, and you really think you are a genius for painting? Good oil painting and good sketch? Oh, everyone's eyes are bright! "

"Yes, the one Mu Muxiao painted before was oil painting. Zhao Xiaolu painted sketches. It's different! Mu Xiaoxiao didn't learn to paint. How could oil painting be good, and sketches also be good. "

Some classmates who haven't stood in line have also been convinced by this sentence.

"To shut up!"

Suddenly a loud roar, and the proud housemate girl suddenly got an arm around her neck.

Yin Shaojie glanced at her coldly.

"You treat me dead?"

Dare to say that his little!

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