Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2500: Such Mu Xiaoxiao (3)

What's more angry is it that it is your own thing that has been snatched by others and framed in turn, besieged by so many people with words and black.

Mu Xiaoxiao took the book and looked at her and said, "Sorry, I won't forgive you. What is wrong is wrong."

Zhao Xiaolu choked and lowered his head uncomfortably.

Yes, Mu Xiao's novel is right.

Wrong is wrong.

It's not a sentence of "sorry" that should be forgiven.

Mu Xiaoxiao is right.

If the wrong person is easily forgiven, then the understanding of the error is not deep enough.

Only if you are not forgiven, can the person who makes a mistake know deeply that they have really done something wrong.

At this moment, Zhao Xiaolu had no envy, jealousy and hatred for Mu Xiaoxiao, and more of her submission and worship.

Forgiving a person is actually very easy. It can also give yourself a good reputation and let others praise you for being a kind person.

Regardless of whether or not they truly forgive this person, many people will instinctively choose to say ‘I forgive you’ in the public eye.

Mu Xiaoxiao, however, dared to say what he really thought.

Zhao Xiaolu wasn't angry and didn't have the wrong idea of ​​‘I said I ’m sorry, why not forgive me’.

She thinks Mu Xiao's novels are right.

Wrong is wrong.

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled at her and said, "But I'm glad you did it right."

Zhao Xiaolu felt better.

Fortunately, she was awakened.

She turned her head and looked at everyone. This time, she said with great courage, "I picked up Mu Xiao's book. The paintings were all painted by her! I pretended to be her, and I'm sorry for misunderstanding I'm sorry! "

The roommate has been defending her, so she can't blame the roommate.

If you clarify from the beginning that these paintings are not your own paintings, and you do not covet the sudden fame, you will not have these things.

Although ... she is likely to lose her place in the International Painting Competition.

But things that do not belong to you should not be forced.

At this moment, Zhao Xiaolu felt suddenly bright.

My heart is relaxed, and the whole person becomes very relaxed.

She was so happy that she made the right choice in the end.

The situation suddenly reversed, so that the onlookers could not accept it for a while, and looked at Zhao Xiaolu angrily.

Especially those who are waiting for Mu Xiaoxiao to fall down the well, feel they have been played.

Others felt like they were being teased.

Therefore, all of a sudden the speech pointed to Zhao Xiaolu and attacked her.

"It's definitely not your own thing, and you dare to pretend to be, like you, you should get out of Suntech!"

"Yes, get out of Suntech! Damn, it's a waste of my expression. I just supported you just now. I was really bitten by a dog."

"You are a thief! I think I should call the police and arrest her!"

Zhao Xiaolu lowered her head and could only helplessly withstand these abuses.

Although she knew it was what she deserved, she still felt uncomfortable and scared when she understood these unpleasant words.

She didn't want to leave Suntech ...

If she leaves Suntech, her father will have a preference for boys and girls, and he will never look at her again.

She choked and said, "I'm sorry, sorry, sorry ..."

Her roommate stood aside, and had not recovered from the sudden truth.

Even someone in the onlooker crowd came forward and dragged Zhao Xiaolu. Zhao Xiaolu took two steps and almost fell. Her roommate was still indifferent.

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