Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2502: Cheating Yin Shaoyu (1)

"Three two one!"

Yin Shaojie counted so fast that she didn't give her time to react, so she finished counting all at once.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze.

"I ... I choose ten paintings!"

Yin Shaojie smiled very darkly. "I'm sorry, I've finished counting. Because you didn't choose, you have to draw both."

There was a cunning breath in the air.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying, knowing he was cheating, and said with dissatisfaction, "No! You say three seconds, but one second is over, I have no time to choose, you are cheating! Unfair, not count! "

Yin Shaoji said with a right expression, "Well, I'll give you another chance."

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't expect to think that his character would depend on the end.

So she was not ready.

"Three two one!"

Yin Shaojie this time faster, it is estimated that there is no one second.

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

How does this play?

She felt like an innocent little white rabbit, clapped by the sly wolf.

This guy has been doing it for thousands of years. How can she play with him?

Mu Xiaoxiao deliberately said, "Well, I won't play with you!"

She turned to leave.

But Yin Shaoxing could have let her go, with her long arms stretched, catching her thin waist, and holding her towards the easel.

"Anyway, you have to help me draw a picture today."

He hasn't seen her draw yet.

Thinking of the surname Lu had seen her drawing, he was very upset.

He is her man. Why hasn't he seen her drawing?

So no, she must paint him today, even one.

Helpless, Mu Xiaoxiao was reluctantly pulled to the front of the easel.

I have all the paints, brushes and so on ready.

She compromised, "Okay, draw for you, okay?"

Like a child pestering her for a toy, she said with a pampered expression to give it to you, all to you.

In the domineering side of Yin Shaozhen, it is actually more naive.

Childish is dead!

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at him and poked the flesh on his arm with his fingers.

Some of the original crowds had already left, and those who did not leave were ready to leave, but when they saw Mu Xiaoxiao going to paint, they came around again.

Everyone was tacitly silent.

After all, no one wants to do homework, right?

They really can't mess with Shao.

Can't afford it.

Mu Xiaoxiao saw people around, his eyes glanced around them.

Although Zhao Xiaolu has personally acknowledged that she picked up the book, not everyone believed the truth, and some people always held a skeptical attitude. It probably felt that Zhao Xiaolu was under the authority of Yin Shaoyu, so he admitted it.

There was a smile on the corner of Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth.

She didn't want to prove anything, but she just wanted to hit the faces of these people.

She looked at Yin Shaoji and said, "I want to draw a sketch. Do I have a sketch pen?"

Yin Shaojie also did not expect the reversal of this matter today, so he only prepared paints and no tools for sketching.

Just then, a student union member raised his hand and said, "I have!"

It turned out that this member happened to be in the art class.

Respectfully held the sketch pen in front of Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the nib, "Yes."

The student council member shoved aside.

Yin Shaoji touched his chin and thought, "Then what pose should I pose for you? What kind of pose do you want to draw? Power type? Or cool? Or the kind of affectionate looking?"

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