Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2504: Cheating Yin Shaoxing (3)

Mu Xiaoxiao put the pen in his hand on the shelf, clapping his hands and saying, "After drawing, I can go back to class, right?"

This painting is relatively large, not as small as it is in a book, so it is quite mentally exhausting.

Yin Shao leaned her waist and said, "Draw another picture?"

He now feels more and more that the idea of ​​having her draw a picture for herself every day is really great and must be implemented.

Mu Xiaoxiao hurriedly shook his head, "No, it's so tiring."

Sketching is not like oil painting, just paint it freely. Sketching requires more carefulness, so it takes a lot of effort.

Seeing her twisting her wrist, Yin Shaojie was distressed.

"Okay, don't paint anymore, draw again next time, go, go to the student union, I will give you a reward."

Mu Xiaoxiao was curious, "What reward?"

"You'll know when you go." Yin Shaojiu removed the painting paper on the easel, rolled it up, and then pulled her away.

Mu Xiaoxiao questioned, not quite convinced of his appearance.

"Aren't you cheating again?"

She felt that it was safer to go back to class.

But Yin Shaojie held her so tightly that she couldn't break him at all.

Inexplicably, Mu Xiaoxiao felt like a little lamb to be slaughtered.

She whimpered and said, "Can't you go? I want to go to class ... I want to be a good student who studies hard and improves every day!"

She never wanted to go to class like this moment.

Yin Shaoji looked at her with amusement. "Why, it's a reward for you, but not to do something bad to you. Don't worry, don't give you bitter gourd."

Mu Xiaoxiao still didn't believe, "I think ... it's better to go to class."

She's going to class!

She insists on going to class!

But at this time, the bell was ringing after class.

Yin Shaojie laughed, "After class, you can't help but want to go to class now, let's go, don't struggle, be good."

Mu Xiaoxiao grumbled, as if a reluctant little pet was led by him.

What she didn't know was that it wasn't long before the video of her drawing was put on the school forum.

Of course, it was clarified that the previous paintings were all painted by her, not Zhao Xiaolu's.

This truth surprised everyone.

No one expected such a reversal.

Originally, some people doubted whether there was any dirty behind-the-scenes, but the video that Mu Xiaoxiao painted directly hit his face.

"This is Mu Xiaoxiao's live painting video, can't this be fake? Can you compare those paintings on the forum before, unless they are blind and can be seen by individuals, they are painted by the same person!"

"I'm also surprised. I can't believe it was Mu Xiaoxiao's painting, but the fact is in front of her that she really did it, and Zhao Xiaolu also acknowledged it herself. It was she who picked up Mu Xiaoxiao's book. Those paintings are all in In the book. "

"Suddenly distressed Mu Xiaoxiao, her paintings were impersonated by others, and the forum also said that her boyfriend would like the girl everywhere, and instead I was Mu Xiaoxiao, seeing those posts, I was so angry."

"I was at the scene. I didn't really like Mu Xiaoxiao, but after seeing her handling attitude, she has changed her attitude now. She has a good attitude towards Zhao Xiaolu. She didn't scold each other and spoke kindly. , Oh, this culture, I ask you, who has? "

"Did anyone discuss Mu Xiaoxiao's paintings? Especially the latest one, I don't know why, I think she looks so handsome! What should I do if I suddenly want to fan her?"

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