Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2519: Make up at night (2)

Mu Xiaoxiao took out the things to wait for class, looked at him with amusement and said, "Don't watch, these things have passed, you just see what it means."

Feng Tianqi put down her cell phone and held her back and said, "Hey, am I a good friend with you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao held a pen in his hand and met his eyes.

No need to guess, she knew what he was thinking.

She shook her pen at him. "Sorry, my schedule is already next year."

"Ah?" Wen Yan said, Fengtian Qi shouted, "Scheduled to next year? This year has just begun! How many people will you help with painting? Hey, I can't get in a line with you because I am so close to you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed and said, "The next year I am talking about is the Lunar New Year."

She explained, "The final exam is next month. I have been busy reviewing it recently. The final exam should not be too bad, so as to lose Master Yin's face."

Feng Tianqi snorted, "You have to be nervous about his face?"

Mu Xiaoxiao is of course joking.

"Anyway, I can't take it too badly."

Feng Tianqi said, "Isn't your English very good? I think your subjects are very good."

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly, "But my language is not good ... I have to endorse, I hate endorsements! And classical Chinese is difficult."

Feng Tianqi agreed.

"I hate languages ​​too!"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up and glanced at him and asked, "Do you have any subjects that you don't hate?"

Feng Tianqi thought about it and shook her head, "It doesn't seem to be, I hate every lesson! But I hate Chinese the most."

Mu Xiaoxiao raised his hand towards him.

Feng Tian Qi Yi will come over and clap her hands.

She sighed and said, "If the language is not recited in its entirety, the classical Chinese, I should like it very much."

Her reading comprehension and composition are very good.

Feng Tianqi replied, "If I don't need an exam, I will like every subject."

Mu Xiaoxiao raised his hand again.

Feng Tianqi reacted quickly this time, clapping with her.

He is holding a cell phone and flipping through the album.

"By the way, do you want to see my brother's cat? He kept it for a few days, and the kitten ate fatter and looked better than before."

He was full of interest and looked like a cat.

Who knows, Mu Xiaoxiao flatly refused.


Feng Tianqi looked at her, "Why? Look, look, this kitten has become so cute. It is so cute. When you see it, you ca n’t help but shout‘ Hello, cute, ’I promise!”

He handed the screen of her phone to her in order not to let her see it.

Mu Xiaoxiao just didn't want to see, and turned his head.

At this time, the teacher came in.

"Teacher is here! Sit down!"

Mu Xiaoxiao kicked down the wind Tianqi's chair.

Feng Tianqi was so depressed that she had to turn her face back.

But within a second, he turned back.

"Little, are you free at night?"

Mu Xiao's novel, "No time."

Feng Tianqi felt that she refused herself without thinking, even more depressed.

"Did you deliberately say that you are not free?"

Mu Xiaoxiao reached out to cover his face and motioned him to stop turning his face.

"It's really not free. I have an appointment tonight."

Feng Tianqi said, "Is there an appointment? With whom? Yin Shaoji?"

"No." Mu Xiao replied perfunctoryly.

Feng Tianqi was startled, "Isn't it Yin Shaoyan? Do you have an appointment with another boy? Are you asking Hongxing to come out of the wall?"

"Red apricot comes out ..." Mu Xiaoxiao gave him a glance, took a pen and knocked his head, "Who do you say red apricot out of the wall! Can I, I not have an appointment with a girl? Must it be a boy?"

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