Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2528: Uninvited people (3)

I have to say that the woman did have a tool for the man. She stood by him for so many years and gave him a son.

And because the woman would coax him, he had more affection for the son.

However, in the circle of giants, although everyone loves to play privately, they still have a strict attitude toward bloodlines, and their sons and daughters of pedigree are never allowed to recognize their ancestors.

Gu Pingyuan never thought that Yin Shaoxing would know this.

After all, he's been raising the woman for almost twenty years, and so long ago, he tried to wipe it out. He always believed that no one would know.

These remarks by Yin Shaojie shattered some of his plans.

But Gu Pingyuan couldn't say anything, he just swallowed the pieces.

In order to erase those things, even Gu Xinquan didn't know what his mother had done before.

So when he heard Yin Shaojie's words, he felt that he was insulting him.

"Who do you say is not clean?"

Gu Xinquan shouted, a gesture of intimidation.

Yin Shaojie smiled slightly at him, and spit out a word maliciously, "You."

After that, he suddenly punched a fist into his face.

Gu Xinquan was completely unpredictable and was stumped on the carpet.

At this time, Gu Pingyuan said with a cold face, "Butler, take him out. Starting today, don't allow him to take a step closer here!"

Gu Xinquan froze, "Why, what ..."

Why did this happen?

The steward was the most savvy, and immediately called a few servants to take Gu Xinquan away.


Gu Xinquan's voice went away little by little.

Gu Pingyuan took a deep breath, knowing that his plan had been disrupted. He had to smile and say thank you to the creator.

"Shao, thank you very much for your reminder. Uncle Gu is so confused."

Yin Shaojie certainly knows how much he hates himself now.

He accepted the thanks very cheekily.

"No thanks, Uncle Gu, as a junior, this is what I should do."

Based on the current situation of the Gu family, if Gu Pingyuan wants to continue to sit firmly in power, it is better not to make any mistakes.

Especially the old lady of Gu's family hates the pedigree.

If you are fooling around, he can leave it alone, but if you want to recognize those who are pedigree, you will definitely not be allowed to review!

I also want to know that Gu Pingyuan obviously did not have much father-son affection for Lu Yichen. The reason why he recognized Lu Yichen as a retrospective was simply because Lu Yichen was the son-in-law acknowledged by the old lady Gu.

Coupled with Lu Yichen's excellent, decent and decent person, will certainly win the likes of old lady Gu.

At that time, when the old lady Gu is gone, then Gu Pingyuan really has the final say.

Gu Pingyuan looked at Yin Shaojie with a smile on his face, and said, "Shaoxi, why are you so free today to visit Uncle Gu?"

Yin Shaojiu's gaze turned to Mu Xiaoxiao on the side.

He laughed, "Uncle Gu, I know you invited Xiaoxiao to come over for dinner. I think you may have forgotten to invite me. After all, my relationship with Xiaoxiao is now an unmarried couple, right? So I ’m not invited. Now. "

I also want to know that Gu Pingyuan did not forget to invite him, but did not invite him on purpose.

But Yin Shaojie spoke so eloquently. On the one hand, he gave himself a fair and honest reason, and on the other hand he gave Gu Pingyuan a step.

Gu Pingyuan is a smart man, and of course he walked down the steps.

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