Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2532: Should I reward me (3)

Something happened over the Lu family, almost facing bankruptcy, no one was willing to help more than one, but one avoided each other like a scorpion, and even someone fell into the ground. At this time Gu Pingyuan appeared and said that he could provide a sum of funds. The only requirement was to return Lu Yichen To the Gu's.

On the other side of the phone, Lu Qianlan paused before he said, "Give the first money ..."

"First?" Lu Yichen raised an eyebrow.

Lu Qianlan smiled bitterly. "He said ... to be given in batches, one for each month."

This is nothing more than a deliberate suspension of the landing home. The Lu family cannot be defeated, but it cannot recover soon.

They could only be taken away by Gu Pingyuan holding his nose.

Lu Yichen's eyes cooled down, "He doesn't count."

Gu Pingyuan is so cunning!

Lu Qianlan is also full of helplessness. "He said that Gu's recently spent a lot of projects, so capital turnover is not convenient. He said so, what can I do."

At least the Lu family still has this life-saving money.

Lu Yichen asked her again, fearing that their conversation would be monitored, so she hung up without talking.


Suddenly someone knocked at the door.

Lu Yichen put down his phone and asked quietly, "What's the matter?"

The maid outside said, "Master Yichen, the master will let you go to his study."

"Okay, I see."

Lu Yichen was lying on the bed and wiped his face with his hands.

Although he usually has no expression and rarely shows his emotions, he feels tired because he wants to stay with Gu Pingyuan all the time and refrain from showing a disgusted expression.

It turns out acting is so tiring.

Lu Yichen talked. Without too much time, he got up, got out of bed, and walked out of the room.


the other side.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought he really went back to Yin's house.

However, Yin Shaojiu drove back to the apartment where they lived.

Along the way, the atmosphere was a bit cold.

She tried to chat with him, trying to make the atmosphere better, but Yin Shaojie didn't answer her so much, almost letting her sing a monologue.

Alas, it's tiring to sing solo.

In the end she simply stopped talking.

Back at the apartment, Mu Xiaoxiao obediently walked behind him and helped him take off his coat, like a little daughter-in-law.

Yin Shaojie sat on the sofa, and she stepped over and squeezed his shoulder.

"Well, I just saw you didn't eat a few bites at the Gu family. Are you hungry? Should we order takeaway?"

In fact, she didn't eat much. After pinching two bites of vegetables, she piled up in a bone dish.

Yin Shao looked at her, but asked in turn, "Are you hungry?"

"I do not……"

As soon as I wanted to say that I was not hungry, my stomach made a grunting sound.

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Did n’t you just finish your meal? Although she did n’t eat much, she also ate a few bites. Why was she hungry?

She feels good.

Was he a starving ghost in his last life?

Yin Shaoyan yanked the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't ..."

I want to refute, but my stomach growls again very uncooperatively.

Mu Xiaoxiao covered her face.

No face at all!

Yin Shaoji suddenly stood up and left the sofa.

Mu Xiaoxiao quickly followed up, "Where are you going? Okay, okay, I'm hungry. I didn't take a few bites just now. How can I have an appetite? Now I know that it's so laborious to keep laughing , So the food I just ate was so quickly digested. "

I can only find this excuse.

But think about it, it seems quite reasonable.

She is a direct person, she likes it, she hates it, and she hates it.

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