Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2540: Willing to lose (3)

Why do n’t you show it to me?

Mu Xiaoxiao knew that he couldn't hide, he simply said, "I won't show it to you!"

She wants to put the book in her bag.

Yin Shaojie's hand was faster, and he grabbed it all at once.

"Hey, don't turn it over!"

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't stop it.

Yin Shaojie turned away.

Everyone else at the scene stretched their necks and wanted to see what was drawn.

It's even more curious to not open it.

However, Yin Shaojie only turned halfway and suddenly closed it.

He took Mu's small bag and stuffed it in.

"Well, it's funny, don't look if you don't look."

Everyone looked sorry.

If you do n’t see it, you can show it to us!

Curiosity can kill cats.

The people who eat the melon are not satisfied with their curiosity, and they feel that a cat is scratching them, which is particularly uncomfortable.

Ah, this is so inhuman!

They really want to protest, but why ... the other party is young, who dares to speak out?

Everyone looked at each other, saying they were afraid.

Let's eat dog food silently ...

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced dubiously at Yin Shaoji, and whispered to him, "Did you see it?"

Yin Shaojii laughed and said nothing, holding her little hand.

"Let's go."

They held hands and left the classroom sweetly.

Walking on the school road, Mu Xiaoxiao was still asking, "Did you see it? You must have seen it."

Otherwise, you won't laugh so badly.

Yin Shaoji said, "Show me again later."

"You did see it!"

"Don't look closely, wait and see." If she didn't say she couldn't open it, he just saw it on the spot.

Mu Xiaoxiao raised his mouth and said, "I won't show it to you."

After a while she hid the book.

Yin Shaoji said, "You are painting me, that is my painting, why not show it to me?"

"Who said it was you? It wasn't you!" Mu Xiaoxiao said deliberately, in fact, he wanted to test if he really saw it.

Yin Shao's eyes narrowed. "Not me? Who are you painting?"

Who can she paint besides him?

Mu Xiaoxiao blinked narrowly, "Like ... painting Lu Yichen?"

Yin Shaoxi hummed, "I forgive you for not daring."

Mu Xiaoxiao spit out his tongue, knowing that he could not lie to him.

"Then I can draw Qi Qing, too. Didn't I promise Qi Qing before, and I painted one for her?"

Yin Shaoji suddenly stopped and pinched the tip of her nose with her long fingers and said, "Then I bet you, dare you? If you draw me, hum, you will listen to my order once, and I let you Whatever you do. "

Mu Xiaoxiao paused, holding him, hesitating.

She shook her head. "No, don't bet on you."

"Because you are painting me, you dare not bet on me, right?" Yin Shaoji said confidently.

Mu Xiaoxiaoang raised his chin and said unbelievably, "All said that it wasn't you, okay, bet on you and bet on you, would you dare to bet on me? If I didn't draw you, you would promise one thing."

Yin Shaojiu's dark eyes narrowed slightly, staring at her eyes.

"it is good!"

He was determined, and she painted him.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly took a meal and felt fooled.

its not right!

Shouldn't she show him the book if she bet on him?

She did it!

"You lied to me and wanted to show you the book, right?"

This treacherous guy!

She accidentally caught his trap.

Mu Xiaoxiao is so depressed, why is he always hit by IQ?

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