Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2643: You can't even coax (2)

Yin Shaoxian raised his hand obediently. "Okay, you take a bath. I'll wait for you at the door and talk to you. You can hit me or you can scold me. You can feel better."

Mu Xiaoxiao glared at him and said aggrievedly, "I don't feel good when I see you!"

Yin Shaojie smiled bitterly, "This will not work."

"Huh!" Mu Xiaoxiao threw him a cold leng, went into the bathroom, and threw the door.

Yin Shaojie had to wait for her at the door.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know whether it was intentional or not, taking a slow bath in it.

He spoke to her outside, and she didn't say a word.

About half an hour before she came out.

Yin Shaoji noticed that her hair ends were a little wet, and her long arms stretched out. She grabbed her and said, "Your hair ends are wet, I will blow it for you."

"No!" Mu Xiaoxiao broke away from him.

But her hair was really wet, and it would be uncomfortable not to blow dry, so she walked over to the sofa and took a hair dryer to blow herself.

Yin Shaojie rushed over to help her blow.

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at him and let him.

Yin Shaojie's long fingers passed between her hair, and she also massaged her scalp, which was very comfortable.

Mu Xiaoxiao gave him a sideways glance and said, "I have a question for you, you must answer me honestly."

Yin Shao paused. "You ask."

Mu Xiaoxiao turned his head and stared at his eyes and asked, "Did you not go to Modu yesterday? Did you go to Jiang Ruoxian?"

Even if he went today, he went yesterday. Isn't that Jiang Ruoxi important? Let him fly to Modu three times.

Yin Shaojiu lowered her hair dryer and explained to her, "No, I went to Modu yesterday, not for her sake."

Mu Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes and looked unbelieving.

"Then you said, why did you go to Modu yesterday?"

I was so tired to come back so late.

Could it be his mysterious organization?

Yin Shaoji said, "In fact, I wanted to tell you when I came back last night, but I didn't have time to go to Modu for Gu Pingyuan's business."

"Gu Pingyuan? What is it about him?" Mu Xiaoxiao was surprised, which she had never thought of.

Yin Shaoxu embraced her shoulders, trying to pull her into her arms.

Mu Xiaoxiao refused to sit face to face with him.

Yin Shaojie was a little helpless and had to continue to say, "It was Lu Yichen who told me that Gu Pingyuan had many small moves recently and was closely connected with a multinational company, but not in normal business communication, but in private. The multinational company was in Modu , I flew over and found some important clues. "

"What clue?" Mu Xiaoxiao was unconsciously led away.

Yin Shaojiu explained, "I feel that he is transferring funds, on the surface, he is putting money into this multinational company, in fact he is using Gu Gu Group's funds to cash out."

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't understand business matters and asked in confusion, "What does this mean?"

Is there any purpose for Gu Pingyuan to do this?

"If I guessed right ..." Yin Shaoji said with a dignified expression, "He is likely to be exhausting the Gu's Group by all means."

"Empty Gu's house?" Mu Xiaoxiao said.

Yin Shao bowed his head, "Yes, it seems that I guessed wrong at first. I thought he came back to find Lu Yichen, to please Grandpa Gu and to consolidate his position as Gu's head. He turned out to be better than I thought. Shi ’s funds, and then threw this pot to Lu Yichen's back, he could just walk away. "

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