Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2685: I want to steal everything from you (4)

"Your bed is so big, and I don't take up any space, just treat me as if I were away."

At the other end of the voice, Han Qiqing laughed, "Little, Yin Shaojie is running out of your room. Want to sleep with you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao stood on the bed and kicked Yin Shaojie's ass.

"You go down!"

Yin Shaojie got up and got out of bed.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought he really went out so obediently. Who knows, he just went to close the door, locked it, and took it back, lying on her bed.

Han Qiqing asked, "Little, are you still playing?"

"Don't play, I want domestic violence now!"

Mu Xiaoxiao turned off the voice, left the phone aside, and rushed up, pulling someone.

Who knows, Yin Shaowu turned around, dragged her with her long arms, turned over, and pressed on the bed.

He lowered his head and pecked her cherry lips.

"Just let me sleep here, I promise not to touch you, just sleep, OK?"

"Not good." Mu Xiaoxiao was tough.

Yin Shaojie continued to kiss her, "OK? Okay?"

This coquettish tone, coupled with his handsome face, could make any female animal fall for him.

Even Mu Xiao can't stand it.

Yin Shaoxu waited for the opportunity, with a long arm clasping, pressing her back, blocking her little mouth, and gradually deepening the kiss.

During this time, he was either running around or being engaged in a cold war by her, let alone intimacy, and not kissing.

Mu Xiaoxiao was melted in his arms by his kiss.

Yin Shaoyi waited for her with her lips, and her big hands became restless, and she pierced into her pajamas.

She didn't wear ...

Yin Shaojiu's dark eyes deepened, and his breathing became hot.

I haven't touched her for a long time, just such a kiss, his body seems to be nodding, and the flames are surging.

"Uh ... stop, stop!"

Mu Xiaoxiao moved his mouth and put his hands against his chest.

Under the palm of his hand, it was his strong heartbeat, trembling like drums, with fierce frequency.

Feeling his needs, her little face flushed.

"You ... you just said you wouldn't touch me, but you didn't believe it was for a pig!"

Yin Shaoji thinks that a pig is a pig. As long as she can eat her, what does it matter to be a pig?

However, he leaned forward and was pushed away by her.

"You go out!" Mu Xiaoxiao raised his face.

Yin Shaojie had to get up and raise his hand, indicating surrender.

"Okay, I keep my promise, I say no, no touch, I just sleep and chat under the covers."

Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to try his mind, so he agreed to stay and sleep.

If this guy breaks his trust, he won't think about her trusting him anymore!

Before going to bed, she also deliberately drawn the 38th and 28th lines.

No, it should be the second or eighth line.

She made up eight points on the bed and he made two.

Mu Xiaoxiao warned him with his hands around his chest, "If you sleep more than this line, then you don't want to sleep with me anymore."

Yin Shaoxing looked at his "two-point" bed, and just had enough sleep for him, turning over was a bit difficult.

"Little, you won't be so cruel to me ..."

"Yes!" Mu Xiaoxiao snorted and turned to lie down.

Yin Shaojie had to lie down.

When she fell asleep at night, Mu Xiaoxiao had a dream. She dreamed that Jiang Ruoqi snatched her gown and wore the same champagne-colored couple's dress with Yin Shaozhen. She also held Yin Shao's hand and went into the banquet together.

Jiang Ruoxian smiled back to her, "Mu Xiaoxiao, I want to take everything from you, your dress, your man, and your ..."

Without hearing what she said behind her, Mu Xiaoxiao woke up.

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