Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2697: Have the courage to say, not the courage to admit (4)

There are only three or two exhibits in the exhibition area here. There are many zeros behind the starting price, which is dazzling.

One of them is a painting, more than one meter long and wide, hanging in the middle area.

Mu Xiaoxiao walked to the front of the painting and suddenly stopped.


Yin Shaoyi thought she was interested in the painting and asked, "Like?"

Han Qiqing saw the price at first glance and exclaimed, "So expensive?"

She is not very interested in art, so she is not familiar with the price of art.

After counting how much those zeros represent, I couldn't help but babble.

It's just a painting. Is it so expensive?

Moreover, this is still the starting price.

Feng Shengyang held his arm and admired the painting. "It is very good, but the strokes are soft but sharp. I don't know which master's painting."

Being able to put it in this area shows the identity of the painter.

Lu Yichen only glanced at the characters in the painting and said, "This master Elizabeth should be painted?"

Although he had just glanced at Elizabeth from the crowd just now, he could see it at a glance.

Han Qiqing was surprised, and seriously looked at the picture in front of him.

"I just didn't see clearly, does that Elizabeth painter look like this? Is it ... this is her self-portrait?"

Can hang in this area with such a high starting price, only Elizabeth has this qualification?

But aren't self-portraits dominated by people?

The character part of this painting only accounts for one-fifth of the whole painting. The other areas are painted with different things. They don't look good, but they have an indescribable abstract beauty that makes people feel very harmonious.

I have to say that it is indeed the work of a famous painter, but the color matching is bold but fused. This talent, even those who do not understand art, can't help but marvel.

Mu Xiaoxiao, on the other hand, kept silent, but just kept pinching his nose with his fingers.

Yin Shaojie noticed her strangeness, "Little?"

So does she like or dislike this picture?

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up at him, and he stopped talking, and didn't know what to say.

Yin Shaojii thought she was embarrassed to speak.

"It doesn't matter. If you like it, I'll shoot it for you. It doesn't matter how much it costs."

The important thing is that she likes it. Even if there are many people bidding, he will spare no effort to grab it.

It wouldn't matter to him if spending money made her happy.

But it is conceivable that if this is an Elizabeth painting, even if the starting price is so high, the next one must be the most popular artwork for everyone to bid for.

Mu Xiaoxiao quickly shook his head and said, "No, it's so expensive, I don't want it, and ..."

Yin Shaoji looked at her and noticed the pause behind her, "And?"

And what?

With his knowledge of her, there must be something, and it must be related to this painting.

It's rare, he knows her so, sometimes he doesn't understand her expression.

Mu Xiaoxiao's expression was a little stunned, a pair of **** grape eyes with a smile that could not be seen through.

Her eyes rolled, and her little hand pulled Yin Shao's arm.

Yin Shaojie knew and approached her.

Mu Xiaoxiao said something in his ear.

Yin Shao opened his eyes in surprise, "You said this painting is ... really?"

Mu Xiao nodded.

Han Qiqing noticed that the two of them were whispering, and they looked at the painting. They couldn't help wondering, "Little, is there anything famous about this painting?"

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