Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2703: Mu Xiaoxiao's painting (2)

When everyone heard this sentence, they all visited around.

can you?

The little artist who painted this picture is on the scene?

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao just wanted to find a hole to go in and hide.

Elizabeth, Elizabeth, don't you be so naughty?

She always felt that the next second, Elizabeth would point at her and announce to everyone, "Yes, she is on the scene, she is the one who painted the picture."

Mu Xiaoxiao regrets it.

When she found out that Elizabeth had seen her, she should leave the ballroom immediately.

It's too late to run now.

Instead, there are three hundred and two silver-free here.

The only thing Mu Xiaoxiao could do was look at Elizabeth with grieved eyes.

Her eyes made Elizabeth laugh.

The host looked curiously at Elizabeth's sudden laugh.

"Master Elizabeth? Is it true that the girl is on the scene? The reason why you put this painting up for auction is because the girl is also here?"

Elizabeth looked at him and said, "I didn't say that."

The host was disappointed.

He thought Elizabeth was referring to the little girl being away.

However, Elizabeth was referring to the latter sentence.

She said, "The reason why I auctioned this painting was because I knew that she was back in China, and you also know that China is so big. How can I find her? I decided to auction this painting. When she saw it, she would Knowing that I have come to China, she will definitely come to me. "

This is the answer that no one expected.

Just because of this, Elizabeth came to China and became a judge of the competition?

It can be seen how much the girl has in her mind.

So this makes everyone wonder more, who is this little girl? Can actually make Elizabeth so like.

Elizabeth smiled mysteriously. "I'm looking for her, but there is another purpose. I can't tell you about this purpose for the time being."

This sentence is the real appetite!

The host wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, the heart was irritating.

"Then Master Elizabeth, when can you tell us?"

Elizabeth said, "When the time comes."

This is equivalent to not saying.

The host did not dare to force it, but had to change the topic, "Master Elizabeth, do you have anything else to tell you?"

For example, if you want to make another news, this is everyone's favorite.

"Yes." Elizabeth nodded and smiled.

The host was instantly excited, "What else?"

"I'm going to invite a friend to come and accompany me to complete this donation ceremony." Elizabeth said with a smile, looking at Mu Xiaoxiao from the audience.

Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned, just relieved by Elizabeth's being blown out of her. Now she was staring at it like this, and the tone was raised again.

Elizabeth wouldn't want to call her up, would she?

do not.

do not!

She shouted in her heart.

However, her shout was not heard by Elizabeth, or was ignored.

When the host asked Elizabeth who she wanted to come up to, Elizabeth personally came over and reached out to Mu Xiaoxiao.

For a moment, the light hit Mu Xiao's face.

Everyone at the scene knew that the table was a family of four, but they did not expect that Elizabeth would invite Mu Xiaoxiao.

This girl is Master Yin ’s companion, right?

Why not invite someone from one of the four big families?

Everyone had a mystery, and the host responded quickly and said with a smile, "Then please invite this lady up, Master Elizabeth, are you a randomly selected person, or did you guys already know?"

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