Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2711: Why are you so ignorant! (2)

"Hey! Yin Shaojie!"

Han Qiqing did not expect that he would go back, and hurriedly stopped him.

But how could she shout at him.

Yin Shaojie's long legs, before walking a few steps, walked back to Jiang Ruoxian.

"Jiang Ruoxian? How are you?"

Han Qiqing looked at his nervous expression and was very angry and wanted to hit him.

What is he like?

Worried about other women?

She couldn't help feeling grateful, but fortunately little was not here, or how uncomfortable it was to see him so worried about other women.

"Yin Shaojie, don't be fooled by her, she just pretended to think you pity her ..."

She wanted to remind Yin Shaojie, because she didn't know Jiang Ruoxian's condition was so serious.

But Yin Shaojie knew.

He said in a deep voice, "Now Qiqing, don't say anything, she's not right."

Han Qiqing stopped talking.

Yin Shaojie held Jiang Ruoxian's shoulder and looked down at her expression, "Jiang Ruoxian, Jiang Ruoxian, are you upset? Would you like to take you to the hospital?"

Jiang Ruoxian took a breath, and raised her eyes to look at Yin Shaoji.

Suddenly, she grabbed his clothes.

"Will you help me? Just once, this time, please ..."

As if at this moment, this matter is more important than anything.

Yin Shaojie didn't know what she wanted to do, but no matter what ‘reasonable’ such a thing was, he could n’t agree.

"Sorry, I can't promise you."

Jiang Ruoxian's expression was desperate. She had tears in her eyes and weeping, "Why ... I have lost everything, why you don't even agree to this, I just want to, just want to ..."

Yin Shaoji saw the other guests noticed this, and whispered to her, "Well, you don't have to say anything, you are not in good condition, I will take you home first, you go home and rest well, nothing more miss you."

Jiang Ruoxi shook her head.

Yin Shaojie will take her away whether she wants it or not.

Han Qiqing said, "Hey, Yin Shaojie, you can just let someone take her back, won't you wait for a little?"

Yin Shaoji said, "I have to send her back in person."

Han Qiqing was unhappy when he heard this sentence.

Why send her back in person?

This made her feel that Yin Shaojie seemed to be nervous about this woman.

"I ask you, is it important that she is important, or is she important? You send her back in person. What about that little?"

What would Xiao Xiao think if he saw him and found out that he had personally sent another woman home?

Han Qiqing was mad at him.

Jiang Ruoxi can feel Han Qiqing's hostility to her, and she can understand why.

At the same time, she was also very envious, Mu Xiaoxiao had such a good girlfriend for her consideration.

Jiang Ruoxian said to Yin Shaoyi weakly, "You don't have to send me, I'll go back by myself."

Yin Shao frowned, as if in a hesitation.

Just then, a silver bell sounded from behind them.

"what happened?"

Han Qiqing turned his head quickly when he heard the voice.

It really is small!

She was a little uncomfortable when she saw this scene, so she quickly stepped forward, pulled off Jiang Ruoxian's hand, and separated them.

However, Mu Xiaoxiao still saw it.

She approached step by step, and Black Grape's eyes looked at Yin Shaojiu and Jiang Ruoxi with confusion.

She asked again, "What happened?"

Han Qiqing didn't know if she should let her know that Jiang Ruoqi had just made such a shameless request, so she pretended to say, "It's nothing, she seems to be sick."

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