Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2714: Broke her heart (1)

Mu Xiaoxiao just felt a pain in his heart.

Behind him, Yin Shaozhu held her in a swift tone, and called her mother's eyes with a heavy tone, "Mom!"

Mother Yin reacted almost immediately, knowing that she had a heavy tone, especially when she saw Mu Xiaoxiao's small face, she immediately regretted it.

"I'm sorry ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao quickly picked up the injured expression, shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'm not right, I said something I shouldn't say, Mother Yin, hurry and look at Jiang Ruoxian, will she be fine?"

Jiang Ruoxian was not in good health at first, and if she fell like this, would she just ...

Thinking of this possibility, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help worrying.

As she said, Mother Yin thought she was really okay, so she turned her attention to Jiang Ruoxi.

Only Yin Shaojie, her gaze was always hanging on Mu Xiaoxiao's face, and her long arms hugged her tightly.

Soon, Jiang Ruoxian was taken to the hospital.

Originally Mu Xiaoxiao also considered whether to follow, but hesitated, but did not go.

She turned back to Yin Shaoji and said, "You should be very worried about Jiang Ruoxi, too? You go to the hospital with me? I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

Why wouldn't Yin Shaojie be worried?

In a hurry, his mother couldn't see it, it didn't mean he couldn't see it.

His mother's heavy words just now obviously broke her heart.

"Little, don't worry about what my mother said just now. She was just in a hurry, and her tone was a bit heavy. She didn't blame you."

He wanted to comfort her.

He was distressed to see the sadness passing by her eyes.

Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to smile at him, but smiled reluctantly.

Feeling ugly, she simply didn't smile.

This is not the time to laugh.

She calmly said to Yin Shaojie, "I'm fine. Really, how could I blame Mother Yin, it was really bad for me just now, and mother Yin was right, because I was too ignorant. "

However, the more she did, the more distressed Yin Shaoyu was.

"Little ..."

He wanted to reach for her, but was blocked by her hands.

Mu Xiao's novel, "I'm a bit tired. I'll go back to take a shower first. You should go to the hospital to see Jiang Ruoxian. Tell me what's the first thing you can do, please?

No matter what she urges, he just doesn't leave.

Mu Xiaoxiao ignored him and went straight upstairs.

Yin Shaoyi followed.

Mu Xiaoxiaoming knew that he was behind, and still closed the door with a sigh and shut him out.

"Little," he called out.

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, and didn't want to pretend to him, and said it plainly, "I want to be quiet, can you let me be quiet?"

Yin Shaoji said, "I am with you."

"No!" Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly increased her voice, her chest was undulating, she said slowly, "No, go to the hospital. I'm fine. What's bad is Jiang Ruoxian. What should she do if something happens? You just Aren't you worried? "

Yin Shaoji said helplessly, "Why should I worry about her? Don't you talk like that? I'm upset."

Mu Xiaoxiao inside did not speak.

Yin Shaojie patted the door again, "Little, can you open the door and let me accompany you? I know you are sad now."

"I haven't, I'm not sad ... I'm also a little worried about Jiang Ruoxian's situation, so will you go to the hospital? Let me see her condition, she's all right, you just call and tell me, you go. Mu Xiaoxiao urged him to go to the hospital.

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