Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2717: Broke her heart (4)

In the early morning, around four o'clock, it was also the time when people slept best.

Mu Xiaoxiao quietly went downstairs, avoiding all the servants, and left through the back door of Yin's house.

She searched for flight information. From Lhasa to A, the earliest flight was more than six o'clock, so she rushed to the airport now to just catch the flight.

Just at this time, everyone was sleeping heavily, and no one found her gone.

Mu Xiaoxiao left Yin's house in silence.

She walked a long way before stopping the taxi and taking the airport.

I don't know if it's a relationship of mood. City A at four o'clock has a look that makes her unfamiliar.

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at the receding scenery outside the car window.

Was in a daze to the airport.

After getting out of the car, she went straight to the ticket machine.

Because she had no luggage, everything was simple, and she took the ticket and went to security.

There are still 20 minutes to board the plane.

I don't know if I'm thinking of seeing my father soon, or if I can escape all the recent troubles, Mu Xiaoxiao just looks forward to it.

By the way, and Lhasa, which she has never been to, is also worth her expectation.

Another person went to her for security.

She thought, Lhasa should be much colder than city A? After the security check, I do n’t know if there are any shops selling clothes in it. She needs to buy some clothes, otherwise it will be very cold when she gets off the plane, or if she buys in Lhasa, I do n’t know if there is an airport over there ...

Just trying to figure out God, the person in front went in, and the security officer beckoned to her.

It's her.

Mu Xiaoxiao was about to go forward, and suddenly a force grabbed her.

She was so pulled that she could hardly stand, and then fell into a warm and familiar embrace.

"you idiot!"

Yin Shaoquan heard the sound of gnashing his teeth.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze and then struggled.

"You let me go! You let me go!"

Yin Shaowu would let go and drag her out of the security checkpoint.

Security personnel came over.

Yin Shaojie just ran to find her, still panting, her thin lips pressed against her cheeks, kissing her and soothing her.

"Little, what can't you tell me? You have to leave."

Mu Xiaoxiao had a small face and didn't speak.

At first glance, the security personnel knew that the young couple had an argument and walked away.

Yin Shaoyi sighed, and the magnetic voice softened and said, "Have you ever thought about it? How sad will my mother be if you leave like this?"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him with wet eyes, and said with a choked voice, "Okay, I lost, and I can't bear to be sad for Mother Yin."

Even though Mother Yin was willing to make her sad, she just couldn't bear to make Mother Yin sad.

So she lost.

Yin Shaoxing looked at her like this, but felt terribly distressed.

"Let's go home first."

She was brought back to Yin's house by Yin Shaojie.

I thought I could hide it, but everyone in the Yin family knew what she was going to leave.

As soon as she entered the room, Yin Yin rushed up and hugged her with red eyes.

"Little, my little baby ... I'm sorry, it's Mom Yin's bad, it's Mom Yin hurting your heart ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were red, and she reached out to hug her.

"Mother Yin, I'm fine, don't say that ..."

Seeing her mother crying, she was also very distressed, and some regretted her urge.

Dad also told her to let her say a word to Yin family when she left, but she didn't say it, but she sneaked away.

Obviously, Mother Yin was panicked and held her tightly, as if she was afraid she would leave as soon as she let go.

The voice choked and said, "Little ... can you forgive Mother Yin?"

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