Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2736: Her lies (3)

"What's impossible?" Yin Shaoxing watched her.

Mu Xiaoxiao lowered his voice and said to him, "Before I and Qi Qing saw an idol group who had just debuted for six months on Weibo, there were individuals. I think the photos he took had several angles and looked like you. "

"Star?" Yin Shaoxing refers to the man Jiang Ruoxian met.

Mu Xiao nodded his head. "So, the more you look at it, the more he looks like that star. He seems to be in the group and his popularity is the highest."

She still remembers that when she teased with Qi Qing, she said that if Yin Shaojie debuted as a star, she would be 100 times more enthusiastic than this person.

"And ah, how can ordinary people wear masks and hats? That's the standard of a star! He's afraid that others will recognize who he is."

She was right in her analysis.

Yin Shaoxi raised his eyebrows. "Are you a fan?"

Hearing that, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying, "What's your concern! I don't like idols, I just saw him by accident on Weibo."

Yin Shaojie snorted. "Less going to Weibo in the future."

Mu Xiaoxiao was too lazy to ignore him.

The fun of gossip, a man will not understand.

With this guess, Mu Xiaoxiao even wanted to know if the person Jiang Ruoxian met was the star.

She forgot what her name was, and searched with her mobile phone.

It's an idol group called ZONE. The man's name is Xu Yan.

Mu Xiaoxiao folded his hands on the table like a schoolboy, and whispered to Yin Shaoyi, "You said, should I ask the waiter for a favor? In the past, I asked if he was Xu Yan?"

Yin Shaoji looked up at her, "Did you just say, don't disturb them?"

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Seems like it.

Yin Shaojie was a little dissatisfied. "You haven't seen a star yet. Feng Shengyang is more popular than him? I haven't seen you so curious."

Mu Xiao's novel, "Not the same! I'm just curious, how did Jiang Ruoxian know Xu Xi and what relationship they had."

"Maybe she is a fan of him. Would you like to see an idol before dying?" Yin Shaoji said in disapproval.

Mu Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes. "Is the current idol so close to the people? If you want to see it, you can come out and meet alone?"

He said, "This is not necessarily, it is very likely that Jiang Ruoqi is the chairman of his fan club or the like? Then she privately told Xu Yan that she was running out of time and wanted to meet alone, and wished, and then Did Xu Yan agree? "

After hearing what he said, Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that this possibility was not impossible.

Yin Shaojiu pushed her mobile phone in front of her. "Guess here blindly, might as well listen to their conversation, can't you solve the mystery?"

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

It turned out that his purpose was this.

But have to say, Mu Xiaoxiao shook.

After a little struggle, she agreed.

"Well, just listen for a short while and confirm that our analysis is right, so we won't listen."

Yin Shaojiao nodded.

The two wore headphones on each side.

"Oh, man? I didn't ask you to bring him?" Xu Yan's voice was obviously ironic.

This surprised Mu Xiaoxiao, and looked at Yin Shaoji.

At this time, Jiang Ruoxian's voice came out of the headset and taunted back, "Who are you, is he what you want to see and see? What do you want from me? Just tell me, I can only stay for a while."

Jiang Ruoxian's reaction also surprised Mu Xiaoxiao.

what's going on?

So are these two men revenge?

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