Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2752: Goodbye Jiang Ruoxian (3)

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her in surprise, "So, did you break up because of this misunderstanding?"

Jiang Ruoxi shook his head, "No, before that, we broke up. At that time, we had a quarrel because of some things. Both people were angry, so we broke up. Later, the woman lied to me and said that they had long been Together, Xu Yan broke up with me because she broke up with me, and she came up with evidence ... hey, blame me for being stupid. "

However, even if the woman did not lie to her, she would break up with Xu Yan.

At that time, they were always arguing. In order to pursue their dreams, Xu Yan had to go to another city and separate her from the two places. Of course, she did not want to, and she said ruthlessly when he was gone.

Just adding a false word to that woman made her feel that Xu Zheng had abandoned her, and since then she had hatred.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked her, "So you guys said last night? Are you right?"

Jiang Ruoxi laughed and said, "It's right."

Her eyes suddenly became very serious, holding Mu Xiao's hand and saying, "Speaking of this, thank you, really thank you."

Mu Xiaoxiao is glad they are reconciled.

"Just reconcile."

Jiang Ruoxi didn't know what to think, and her eyes were sad.

"It's just that even if we are reconciled, it's useless. I don't have much time left ..."

She looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, her eyes were tangled.

"You said, shall I tell him my condition?"

Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated, "This, you have to decide for yourself, but I don't think you should keep it from him."

Jiang Ruoxi lowered his eyes, "I don't know how to tell him ..."

For a time, the air remained silent.

Suddenly, Jiang Ruoxian looked up and smiled at her and said, "But okay, he has realized his dream now, he will become more and more popular in the future, his popularity will increase, his fans will increase, I ... But he is a passenger in his life, he is still so young, and after I die, he will like other people in the future. "

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her sadly, and she felt very uncomfortable after hearing such words.

Jiang Ruoxian said, "I think this is good. At least he really loved me. Even if he loves others later, he will always remember my first love. I can live in his heart and I am very satisfied."

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but hug her.

Later, Jiang Ruoxian told her, "He said that he had an empty house in City A and he could let me live. He didn't want me to live in Yin's house, so he asked me to move to his house. I originally rejected him, but he If I had to move, I was very domineering. I really couldn't help it ... I compromised, but I will wait until the second test results are available, and then move over, you can rest assured. "

When she said this, Jiang Ruoxian looked happy.

For the next two days, Xu Zheng called Jiang Ruoxian every day, and the two changed their previous mutual friendship and became sweet.

Xu Yan asked several times to find Jiang Ruoxian, but Jiang Ruoxian refused, and he urged to wait.

Later, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know how Jiang Ruoxian would tell Xu Yan about her condition, and how Xu Yun would react when she knew.

Soon, the second test had results, and everything went according to the best.

However, Jiang Ruoxian's physical damage was more serious.

After getting the results, Jiang Ruoxian moved out of Yin's house the next day and moved to Xu Yan's house.

When she arrived, she brought a small suitcase.

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