Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2760: You can't stop me (1)

Mu Xiaoxiao got the answer he wanted and rushed to hug him.

"Dad, I love you so much ~"

Mu Zhengbai gently stroked her hair and said hoarsely, "Daddy loves you too."

He sighed.

The baby in his family was too affectionate, so he wanted to hide from her and not let her know.

If it can be cured, let her know when it is cured, at least she doesn't have to be so upset and worried as she is now.

If the cure is not good ...

It was already the worst result anyway, and when he was about to leave, let her know again, and there was less worrying process.

That night, Mu Xiaoxiao was reluctant to leave Mu Zhengbai, and anxious to stay in the room and guard his father.

But under the persuasion of Yin Yin, she had to leave.

Her father needs a good rest.

the next day.

Mu Xiaoxiao woke up very early, and regardless of Yin Shaojie around him, he washed quickly and then went upstairs to see his father.

You don't need to continue pretending to know it, you can go up and see your dad.

But she was stopped by her servant before she even got up.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned. "Why are you stopping me?"

The servant said sorry, "Mrs. ordered, Mr. Mu is still resting, so no one can go up to bother, Miss Mu, sorry ..."

Mu Xiao's novel, "I'm not bothering, I'll wait at my dad's door, I'll go in when he wakes up."

But still not.

The servant explained, "Mr. Mu's sleep is very light. As long as there are some sounds, it is easy to be awakened, and once he wakes up, it is difficult to enter deep sleep again, which is bad for him, so the husband ordered Let everyone not go up and bother. "

When Jiang Ruoxian lived upstairs, she also lived in the room closest to the stairs, which would not disturb Mu Zhengbai.

The servant said so, Mu Xiaoxiao had to compromise.

"Ms. Mu, it's still early, why don't you go back to sleep for a while? When it's almost time for school, I'll call you again," said the servant dutifully.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "I can't sleep ..."

She was uneasy in her heart, and was always afraid of having nightmares when she slept at night.

The servant said, "Will Miss Mu go downstairs for breakfast?"

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "Okay."

She went back to the room to change clothes.

Yin Shaojie also woke up and found that she was not in bed. When she saw her coming back, someone taller jumped up and held her.

"Where did you go? I got up so early."

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, "I wanted to go up to see my dad, but they didn't let me go up ..."

Yin Shaoji touched her little head comfortably.

"Then have breakfast first. Your dad usually gets up at seven o'clock. You should be able to say good morning to him before you go to school."

Mu Xiaoxiao was too few, "Just say good morning? I have a lot to say to my dad ..."

Yin Shaojie couldn't help laughing, "You are so stingy, be careful of your father, he will enter the treatment room the day after tomorrow, and needs a good rest."

"How can I say that?" Mu Xiaoxiao glared at him dissatisfied.

Yin Shaoji said flatteringly, "Okay, you didn't."

Mu Xiaoxiao lifted his elbow, "I'm going to change my clothes for breakfast, ignore you."

"Why don't you ignore me?" Yin Shaoxu tangled up.

Mu Xiaoxiao walked to the door of the cloakroom and blocked him. "Don't come in, I want to change my clothes."

Yin Shaoji said, "I want to change clothes too."

"Brush your teeth and wash your face, and wait until I finish changing."

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