Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2762: You can't stop me (3)

Knowing this news, Han Qiqing also killed Mu Xiaoxiao's classroom for the first time.

Who knows, people go upstairs.

The classroom was empty.

It turned out that Mu Xiaoxiao had gone to physical education.

Han Qiqing went to the stadium to find Mu Xiaoxiao again.

Mu Xiaoxiao is sitting on the steps and basking in the warm sun. There are a few classmates sitting nearby. You push me, you want the other party to ask Mu Xiaoxiao about her inside story of retire.

"Little! Why did you retire!" A voice burst into the picture.

The classmates froze. When someone asked the question they wanted to ask, they all quieted down, waiting to hear the answer.

Someone even took the mobile phone, clicked into the forum, and immediately posted the news when they were ready to have the first news.

Mu Xiaoxiao, who was enjoying the sun, was enveloped by a figure.

You don't need to open your eyes to know that it is Qiqing.

"Qi Qing, sit down first and don't block me from the sun." Mu Xiaoxiao said without opening her eyes.

Han Qiqing sat next to her and asked again, "Little, what's going on? Are you really retiring?"

"Um." Mu Xiaoxiao nodded calmly.

"Why?" Han Qiqing was puzzled.

Mu Xiaoxiao simply stated, "I have no mood to paint, I have been busy lately and have no time."

Han Qiqing stumbled, "Because of this?"

The people on the side heard the answer with a stern look.

No mood to paint?

So I won't participate?

So wayward!

Mu Xiao's novels are all sincere. She has been concerned about her father's illness recently. Where is the mood for painting? The paintings drawn in the state of no state, she also feels meaningless, might as well not participate.

Han Qiqing asked strangely, "Aren't you reconciling with Yin Shaoxing? Why aren't you in the mood?"

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed without explanation.

"Qi Qing, don't ask."

Han Qiqing said, "Okay, I don't ask. If you don't participate, don't participate, just be happy."

Mu Xiaoxiao turned to look at her, "I'm sorry."

Han Qiqing laughed, "Why are you saying sorry to me? If you don't participate, it doesn't matter to me."

Mu Xiao's novel, "I know that you have prepared some cheerleaders to cheer me up, and they are no longer needed."

"If you do n’t need it, you ca n’t use it. I ’ll keep it. I ’ll use it later. It ’s a big deal. Let ’s let Yin Shaoyu go to a basketball game next semester. The two of us are cheerleaders.

After hearing this, Mu Xiaoxiao was silent, "Next semester ..."

She said something behind, Han Qiqing didn't hear clearly, and blinked and looked at her.

"Little, what did you just say?"

Mu Xiaoxiao just opened her mouth and wanted to speak. A football suddenly flew over and hit the steps next to them.

The two were startled.

"Who!" Han Qiqing yelled.

A boy ran over, bowed his head and apologized, "I'm sorry, we didn't mean it, I'm sorry."

Han Qiqing glared at each other, "Be careful, what should we do if we hit us?"

"Sorry, sorry, we will pay attention."

The boy took the football and ran back.

"Really." Han Qiqing sat down, looking at Mu Xiaoxiao's expression, and asked worriedly, "Xiao, are you scared? Hey, Xiao."

She shook Mu Xiaoxiao, and then she returned.

"Are you okay? Really scared?" Han Qiqing asked worriedly.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "No."

She was just thinking about something else, thinking about how to tell Qi Qing.

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