Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2764: Sweet (1)

Fortunately, Xiangshan Temple is not on the top of the mountain, so it is not far away.

Plus it's too early, it's not a holiday, and no one else is on the way.

Along the way, at the door of Xiangshan Temple, I saw a monk standing and waiting, folded his hands and bowed to them.

"The two donors are so sincere and will certainly be able to do what they want."

Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to stand up, but his knees were weak and he could only hold on.

The next second, Yin Shaoxu embraced her, letting her put the gravity on him.

If he could, he wanted to pick her up.

But here is the focus of the Buddha, and it cannot be done.

Mu Xiaoxiao calmed down and said to him, "I'm fine, you let go."

Although Yin Shaojie was distressed, she let go.

The two went along with the monk and blessed Mu Zhengbo.

After coming out of Xiangshan Temple, the sun has come out, shining on the body warm.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up at the clear sky, and smiled.

Obviously she is not superstitious.

But after doing this, the anxiety in my heart seemed to dissipate.

She suddenly believed that Dad would be fine.

Well, it will!

"Come up." A voice sounded in front of her.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked down, and the first thing that caught her eye was Yin Shao's generous back.

He glanced back at her, urging, "Come up!"

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed, her eyes were full of affection.

She put his back on his back and committed herself to him.

Yin Shaoxu picked up her and went down the mountain.

He said distressedly, "Does the knee hurt?"

Fortunately, she wasn't so stupid, just scratching her head lightly, not a gimmick that could hear snoring sounds like a costume TV, or she would have a concussion.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head on his back. "No pain."

Yin Shaoxi snorted softly. "It's strange if it doesn't hurt."

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed, two small hands around his neck.

"Are you tired?" She felt bad this time.

The two did not sleep early last night, and then woke up more than a little. He drove for another four or five hours and accompanied her to kneel up the mountain. Now he has to carry her down again. He must be tired?

Yin Shaoxi shook his head, "Not tired."

Mu Xiaoxiao snorted softly.

Yin Shaojie smiled and said, "I'm really not tired. As long as I can carry you like this, I won't be tired for a lifetime."

After hearing this, Mu Xiao was warm and careful.

She clung to his back, his back was wide and warm, her most reliable harbor.

She also wanted to be like this, and let him carry it all his life.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to think, her eyes dropped.

She held his little hand tightly.

Go downhill soon.

Yin Shaojiu put her in the car, then went around the driver's seat and got on the car.

Mu Xiao's novel, "It will take so long to go back, or why not have a meal first?"

Both did not eat breakfast.

She could clearly hear the sorrow of her stomach now.

Yin Shaojiao nodded, "Yes."

He drove and she searched for a nearby restaurant on her phone.

"Should we have a breakfast by the side of the road, or find a more formal restaurant?"

When Yin Shaojie was in the gap, he glanced at him.

"Go to that hot spring club."

"Ah?" Mu Xiao looked at him puzzled, "Why go to this? You want to take a hot spring?"

Yin Shaojiao nodded, "Yes."

This hot spring club is a chain. He has been to the one in city A before. The five-star service and the food are good. The most important thing is that there are SPA services.

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