Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2769: The worst is you (2)

Mu Xiaoxiao pursed her mouth, "What, obviously you want to, don't think I don't know."

Yin Shaojiu opened the shower head, and the warm water was sprayed on the two of them.

"I didn't deny it."

He smiled and said, nibbling her against a glass mist covered with water vapor.

"So cool ..." Mu Xiao shrank.

Yin Shaojiu immediately responded, pulled her back, and put her against her chest.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned at him. "You're so annoying, can't you just be a little bit simple?"

Yin Shaoyi thought about it, shook his head and said, "No."

No way, people have passions and desires.

The monk who doesn't have seven emotions and six desires is called a monk.

He didn't want to be a monk.

Mu Xiaoxiao is very rude to him.

"I don't want to, I'm in no mood ..."

Yin Shaojiu said, "I know, I didn't say to do it. Why are you so nervous? Just take a shower with you."

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't believe him.

Just take a hot spring and take a shower together? Can he bear it?

Sure enough, within two seconds, someone started to kick hands.

"Hey, Yin Shaojie!" She reminded him.

Yin Shaojiu had a serious face, "No, but can you intimate?"

As she spoke, she squeezed her chin, Jun face lowered, and kissed her small mouth.

Mu Xiaoxiao was successfully attacked by him.

The two stayed in the shower for a long time.

In the end, she was carried out by him, her face flushed and her body weak.

When he put her down, he could clearly see the traces of strawberries that had been planted on her chest and thighs by someone.

Mu Xiaoxiao stood on the ground and felt his legs were weak.

Although I did n’t really do it, I did everything else ...

She wanted to cover her face and simply buried her in him.

"I'm unstable ..." she whispered.

Yin Shaojiu grinned at the corner of her mouth, kissed her little face, put her hand around her waist, and cleaned her body with a clean towel in one hand.

"My wife, you are great." He praised her.

Mu Xiaoxiao remembered what he had just done, his face turned redder, especially his palms, and a hot feeling.

She reached out and covered his mouth. "Don't say no!"

Yin Shaojie was very happy, and kissed her little mouth again.

"Get away!" Mu Xiaoxiao pretended to be disgusted.

Yin Shaojie grieved, "You run out of me, just cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

Mu Xiaoxiao wrapped himself in a bath towel and pushed him away.

"I'm going to get dressed. Don't come in."

How could Yin Shaojie be obedient.

But Mu Xiaoxiao seemed to have expected it, and his short legs took a few steps to shut him out.

Yin Shaojie had no choice but to stand outside the door.

Soon, Mu Xiaoxiao changed his clothes and came out. He found that he didn't even wrap it around with a towel, and his eyes quickly turned away.

"Hurry in and change clothes!"

Yin Shaoxing looked at the red under her ears with appreciation, and walked in with a smile.

Mu Xiaoxiao fanned her hot cheeks with her hands, and felt that the room was a little stuffy. In addition to being shy, she went out and planned to return to the room first.

A few steps out, she passed a box.

The person inside just came out and saw her, his eyes lit up.

"Are you the lady here?"

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, suddenly feeling unhappy in his heart, "No!"

The man raised a wry smile, "Are you interested in doing business?"

"Not interested in!"

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned. The person stared uncomfortably, so he walked away quickly.

The man was still staring at her back, and when she disappeared, she turned back to the box.

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