Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2781: She cannot do without him (2)

Walk with Elizabeth for up to fifteen minutes and she's going home.

Elizabeth put down her scarf, took the coffee and smelled it, "It's my favorite Blue Mountain, dear, you are so careful."

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed, "Well, didn't you say you had something to tell me?"

The two are obviously so many years apart, but they get along like friends.

Elizabeth put down her coffee cup and held her for a while before she said, "I know you're busy with the final exam recently, so I want to ask, can you make an appointment for three days after you finish the exam?"

"Why?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked.

Elizabeth didn't meander, and said directly, "I want you to accompany me back to the United States and go to a place, which is related to the painting we cooperated with."

Mu Xiaoxiao was thinking about something but didn't answer.

Elizabeth said, "It's only three days."

Mu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and shook her head.

With a sad expression on Elizabeth's face, "You won't give it to me for three days? My dear, you make me sad."

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "That's not what it means."

She paused and sighed.

"Well, let me tell you directly, I will return to the United States this month."

Elizabeth was surprised. "You return to the United States? How long will you stay?"

Mu Xiaoxiao lowered his eyes and said, "Go back to America to study."

Elizabeth understood what she meant, and immediately rejoiced, "So, you will always stay in the United States? Then I can go to you!"

Mu Xiao nodded, "Yes."

Elizabeth said, "Great! When are you going back to the United States? I'll go back with you."

"Aren't you going to be a judge?" Mu Xiaoxiao wondered.

She was reminded that Elizabeth remembered that she still had this important task. At this time, she regretted why she had promised a judge.

She said with regret, "This game will not end until the beginning of next month ..."

Mu Xiao's novel, "Then you should be a judge. When we return to the United States, see you again, I will be busy at this time."

The two chatted a few more times, and Elizabeth asked her why she suddenly wanted to return to the United States. Mu Xiaoxiao didn't answer and changed the subject.

After drinking coffee, Mu Xiaoxiao went with her.

Ten minutes later, she said she was going to go home. Elizabeth refused to let her go. Mu Xiaoxiao had to accompany him for another ten minutes. Fortunately, Elizabeth had a clear purchase direction, so she bought it, so it didn't take much time.

Finally returned to Yin's house.

Mu Xiaoxiao had a large bag in her hand. As soon as she entered the living room, Mother Yin welcomed her.

"Little baby, why did you buy so many things?"

With a smile, Mu Xiaoxiao picked out the A-brand bag and handed it to Mother Yin. She said sweetly, "Mother Yin, I bought this for you. Do you like it?"

Upon hearing that, Mother Yin was pleasantly surprised, "Buy it for me? Like it."

"You haven't watched it yet."

Mother Yin said, "As long as you bought it, I like it."

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, picked up another small bag and handed it to her.

"This, you help me give Dad Yin a cuff and tie clip. I looked very suitable for Dad Yin, so I bought it."

Mother Yin took her hand and said, "You bought it for him, and you give it to him yourself, he must be very happy."

At this time, the voice of Dad Yin came from the stairs.

"Little bought something for me?"

Mother Yin held her little shoulders and looked up to her husband. "Yeah, Xiao Xiao has bought us a gift. Come down and see."

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