Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2801: Do not want to share with others (2)

Without waiting for her to say a word, her brother said in a deep voice, "I'll be right away."

Han Qiqing held his mobile phone in his hand and weakly huddled in bed.

Whoo, why is it so painful?

Did someone poison the pizza?

After a while, the door was eagerly opened, and he fell heavily on the wall.

"Brother ..." she shouted subconsciously.

The next second, the tall and tall figure appeared beside the bed, and quickly hugged her without a word.

The maid followed, looking anxiously at Han Qiqing.

"What happened to lady?"

He said coldly, "Hurry up and go to the hospital!"

The servant hurried down.

Han Qiqing wrinkled her little face in pain, seeking to lean on her brother's arms warmly, as if it would make her more comfortable.

My brother walked fast.

Han Qiqing raised his head and looked at his brother's face with a shudder.

Something passed in her mind.

Suddenly, a tingling sensation struck again, making her cry out in pain.

There was a touch of warmth on her forehead, and a low voice came over her head to appease her.

I don't know when she was picked up in the car.

She was almost in her brother's arms, her little hands tightly hugging his back.

She felt a little embarrassed to realize how close her posture was to her brother.

The driver did not dare to neglect and drove the car fast.

In Han Qiqing's patience, he finally arrived at the hospital.

The elder brother took her out of the car. When the cold wind hit at night, he frowned and wrapped her tightly in his coat.

Han Qiqing's attention was on abdominal pain and he didn't know what he experienced.

Finally, while lying on the bed with the drips hanging, the terrible pain stopped, she relaxed, and the whole person was so tired that they went to sleep.

The next day.

A strange feeling in her body woke her up.

Han Qiqing opened his eyes, eyes narrowed and confused.

Looking around the ward, I remembered that I was in the hospital.

She stared blankly at the white ceiling, and as she felt her body, someone pushed the door open.

"Are you hungry?" Qing Qing asked.

Han Qiqing turned his head sharply, looking at the brother who was walking in.

She was a little embarrassed. "Brother ..."

When I wanted to sit up, I suddenly felt something coming out.

She froze all over.

Is it ...

"What's wrong?" The elder brother apparently noticed the stiffness in her expression and asked.

Han Qiqing, "..."

How could this make her say so?

Oh my god!

It turned out that she had a sting in the abdomen last night because ...

The elder brother sat down in the nearby chair and put the thermos on the table.

"Does your stomach hurt again?"

Han Qiqing, "..."

It doesn't hurt anymore, but ...

Now, she just wanted to find a hole to drill in.

My brother's eyes looked at her, making her inexplicably timid.

"I, last night ..."

My brother frowned, with a rebuke, "The doctor said that you have indigestion and gastrointestinal problems. Who asked you to eat the entire pizza alone last night, and the servant asked you to drink some digestive tea, and you did not drink it."

Han Qiqing lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Fortunately, she only said that she had indigestion, but did not say she ...

I knew she had been drinking that digestive tea obediently last night, and maybe she wouldn't get into the hospital.

When I was thinking about how to make excuses, I heard my brother speak again.

"Also, you shouldn't drink cold and spicy food when your period is over."

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