Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2812: It turns out he is so good (1)

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Han Qiqing looked at his mobile phone and thought it was a bad signal.

Obviously the signal is full.

"Hello, Xiaowei? Hey? Why is there no sound ..." she muttered into the phone.

Immediately, I heard the sound of "噗嗤", Xiang Yiwei on the other side of the mobile phone was obviously smiling, "Sorry, I'm sorry, because I was so funny, I was afraid to laugh, so I just covered my mouth."

Han Qiqing, "..."

Don't you just recruit yourself now!

Han Qiqing said depressedly, "Where is it funny?"

Xiang Yiwei smiled uncontrollably, "Qi Qing, you are so funny, you are thinking of this kind of dream, obviously you are thinking of Sichun, what is the reminder that your true destiny is about to appear, you want to laugh at me, OK Inherit my stubborn bronze? "

Han Qiqing rolled his eyes, "Fuck, don't ask me to rank with you in the future, curse your life for silver, you can't get gold!"

"Don't stop, don't get angry at Qiqing, I'm just kidding you."

The other party quickly relaxed.

Han Qiqing didn't want to talk to her anymore, and said directly, "I don't want to tell you anymore, I'm hung up."

"Don't count me wrong? I shouldn't laugh at you. I'm reviewing it. I'm serious now and can help you interpret your dreams, okay?" Xiang Yiwei quickly pleaded.

Han Qiqing's expression eased, "I'll listen for a while."

Asked Yiwei, "Then you talk about, who is the one pursuing you in your dream? Do I know?"

Even across a cell phone, Han Qiqing can hear the other person's gossip.

"Why ask this?"

Xiang Yiwei said, "This is very important! If there is a specific object, then it means ..."

"Explain what?" Han Qiqing asked puzzled.

Xiang Yiwei said with a smile, "It shows that you like him! Maybe you like him in your heart, but you don't know it, but in the dream, you don't suppress yourself, you want to be with him, so dream Until he likes you. "

This analysis makes good sense, Han Qiqing could not find any loopholes.

Xiang Yiwei thought she was embarrassed, and then urged, "You say it fast, who do you dream of?"

Han Qiqing pursed his lips and said, "Nobody."

"No one means what? You say, I promise to keep it secret."

Han Qiqing said angrily, "No one is I don't know who it is! There is a fictional shadow in the dream, without a face, I don't know who it is."

Xiang Yiwei wondered, "Really? Or you don't want to tell me?"

Han Qiqing said, "Why did I lie to you?"

Xiang Yiwei had no choice but to believe, expressing regret.

"If you don't see your face, there will be no specific object."

"What does this mean? Is it different from your analysis just now?" Han Qiqing asked quite seriously.

Said to Yiwei, "That's how you think about spring!"

Han Qiqing, "..."

How come back!

"I miss Spring!"

Xiang Yiwei laughed, "Do n’t you be so excited, Si Chun is nothing, that is, you want to fall in love, you want to have a boyfriend, what is so shy, plus, you do n’t admire Are you together? Seeing her and Yu Shao sweet and sweet, you will think that Chun is also normal. "

"I'm not Sichun! Can't you change another word?" Han Qiqing was speechless to her.

The word Sichun is too embarrassing.

Xiang Yiwei soothed her, "Okay, I don't say this word, let's go back to your dream. What did you dream of? Please describe it to me."

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