Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2822: Rich money (3)

Song Shijun looked at her, feeling her expression strange.

"what happened?"

Han Qiqing coughed awkwardly, his legs were folded, his posture twisted, and he said, "That ... I want to go to the bathroom."

Song Shijun laughed. It turned out to be this way.

"Then you sit still, I'll drive faster."

Han Qiqing just drank a large cup of milk tea in one breath, and now he was so anxious that he urged, "Hurry up and come up with your speed of racing!"

"You can't drag a car, the road is slippery, well, don't talk, sit still and don't move." Song Shijun reminded her.

Han Qiqing looked bitter, "I don't want to move yet ..."

The more you move, the more urgent you are.

Song Shijun looked at her with that expression and quickly stepped on the accelerator.

To M Ji at the foot of the mountain, the car stopped and Han Qiqing flew in.

Song Shijun waited in the car for a while, but did not see her return, and could not help but worry.

Is there anything wrong with her?

He thought about it, stopped the engine, got out of the car, and walked into M's record.

His handsome appearance immediately attracted the attention of the women in the store, and the young girls even screamed idiots.

"So handsome!"

"Ah, ah, I want to ask him for WeChat!"

"He came by himself. He should have no girlfriend. Hurry up and I will cheer you up."

"Are you really going? I'm shy ..."

The girl who was shy still went boldly towards Song Shijun.

When he opened the door, he said, "Hey, handsome, can we add a WeChat?"

Song Shijun hurried to the toilet to find Han Qiqing, was stopped, but just glanced at the girl, hung a cynical smile and said, "Sorry, don't add WeChat."

The girl lost her face. "Why not? Add it, make a friend."

Seeing her tangled, Song Shijun changed her indifferent expression this time, "I'm not interested."

Seeing this, the girl poked her lips and went back to her position.

"What? He won't give it?"

"I guess he should have a girlfriend? That's why he refused to give it."

"Ah, so handsome, it's normal to have a girlfriend."

Song Shijun ignored the attention of others, glanced around, did not know where the bathroom was, so he pulled a waiter and asked, "Sorry, where is the bathroom?"

When I came in, I did n’t order food, but I asked the bathroom. I wanted to know that I did n’t come to eat. I borrowed the toilet.

The waiter looked at him as a handsome guy and gave him a good way.

"Thank you."

Song Shijun walked over there and found the bathroom.

It's just that it's a men's bathroom, and a women's bathroom is not nearby.

Strange, the men's bathroom and the women's bathroom are not together?

Song Shijun was a little speechless.

He had to walk in and ask another waiter.

"Where is the women's toilet?"

The waiter was a young woman, and he looked at his handsome face for a while, and said a little bit, "Here, there ..."

Actually in the other direction.

Song Shijun shook his head, said thank you politely, and walked over.

Female toilet doorway.

After all, it was a women's bathroom. He couldn't go in, so he had to stand outside and probed the probe, tangled.

At this moment, a girl came out and was shocked to see a man at the door.

When I was trying to scold someone, I found that he was a handsome guy, his expression suddenly eased.

He also kindly reminded, "This is the women's bathroom, and the men's bathroom is on the other side."

Song Shijun said, "I know, can you do me a favor?"

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