Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2827: Sure enough, it is differential treatment (4)

She remembered that she didn't seem to lock the door.

She thought about it, maybe a maid?

Then he said, "Come in."

The door opened, first two long legs appeared, then a tall, stern figure came in.

Brother ...

Han Qiqing sat on the bed and looked at him.

The older brother came over, rubbed her head and said, "You don't say, how do I know what you're thinking?"

She pursed her lips and thought she was awkward.

The elder brother said, "Go play today, what you want to buy, I transfer you some money, it is an extra reward for the good results I gave you."

Han Qiqing smiled and her eyes narrowed.

"Thank you brother."

"Um." He rubbed her head and turned around.

After the door was closed, Han Qiqing hurriedly looked at her mobile phone and saw how much money her brother had transferred to her, all of a sudden he fell on the bed and rolled happily.

A lot of money! A lot of money! A lot of money!

At almost ten o'clock, Song Shijun finally called her.

Han Qiqing said to him, "Song Shijun, are you a pig reincarnation? Yes, you must be a pig reincarnation!"

Song Shijun countered her, "Han Qiqing, have you forgotten how long you could sleep before?"

Han Qiqing said, "You also said it was before!"

Song Shijun on the other side of the phone listened to her sound and narrowed her eyes. "You look in a good mood, why? I picked up money in the morning?"

"Hee hee hee……"

Song Shijun laughed. "I think you've hit your head."

"You are! Have you gotten up yet? Hurry up, come and pick me up, let's go to the movie! I want to watch the noon." Han Qiqing urged him.

Song Shijun said, "Well, why should I go to pick you up? Let's meet at the cinema."

"Hey, you should come and pick me up as a man. This is called gentlemanliness, unless you are not a man." Han Qiqing deliberately provoked him.

She said so, what can he do?

"Okay, miss, pick you up in the past."

Han Qiqing looked happy.

Waiting for boredom, she went down the yard and left.

Basking the warm sunshine, watching the fine weather, breathing the fragrance of the grass ...

"Miss, Master Song is here."

Han Qiqing was a little surprised. "So soon?"

She went back to the house and saw Song Shijun sitting on the sofa with her back to her.

Suddenly, she woke up, walked lamely, and ‘ha’ frightened him, scaring him behind.

Song Shijun cooperated pretending to be startled.


Han Qiqing gave him a wink, "boring."

Song Shijun laughed. "You started this boring game."

Han Qiqing shook his hand and said, "Let's go and go to the movies."

After getting on the car, Song Shijun asked her as she started the car, "Have you asked Xiao Xiao?"

Han Qiqing had a meal.

"Ah ... I forgot to call ..."

It was too late when she went back last night, and when she came back and met her brother, she forgot about it.

Song Shijun was a little surprised, "Can you forget this?"

Mainly, it's about small things, and she generally remembers them well.

Han Qiqing said, "Forget it, let's go and see, maybe Xiaoxiao hasn't woke up yet."

Song Shijun thinks she's a little unfair.

When he slept, she said he was a pig reincarnation. Why didn't she see her as a little?

It's such a big deal.

He said deliberately, "Snapping so late, is she also a pig?"

Han Qiqing stared at him, "Who told you to be small? You are a pig!"

Sure enough, differential treatment!

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