Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2859: What if you reveal your identity? (4)

She said innocently, "I promised my dad first, and I couldn't help it. Don't do this, just this time, will you let nothing work?"

"No." Yin Shaojie was persistent.

Mu Xiaoxiao had no choice but to say, "Go and tell my dad, as long as my dad is willing, then I will choose yours."

Yin Shaojie, "..."

Let him tell Mu Zhengbai that it is obviously impossible.

Mu Xiaoxiao knew what he meant by looking at his expression. She sat up and said to him, "You can't do it, right? Oh, this time, I'll wear a couple outfit with you next time, OK? ? "

Yin Shaoxu looked reluctant.

"It was clear that we had said it before. If two people were to attend in the future, we would wear couples."

In addition, this year's birthday party invited a lot of people, basically people with a certain identity came, so it is conceivable how many students in Sunde will come, and when they see that they are not wearing couples, what do you think? ?

He thought for a moment, "Yes, there will be many people in Suntech. Will you be afraid to reveal your identity when you wear your father's dress with your father?"

Mu Xiao's novel, "Probably not ... they don't know who my dad is. Besides, not many people in our Mu family knew it, so it won't."

Yin Shaojie is not as optimistic as she is, thinking about various possibilities.

"What if that's the case?"

"In case ..." Mu Xiaoxiao held his chin for a while, wondering what he thought, and laughed. "Then I said, my dad is my gold master, and I am the little gold wire raised by him. Sparrow, with the nature of those in our school, I will believe it! "

Because many people are looking forward to her upset, when they say this, more than half of them will definitely believe it.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought of that picture and suddenly found it very interesting.

"Yes, yes, say that then!"

Yin Shaojie glanced at her, could not help but curl her fingers and knock on her little head.

He was helpless, "What are you thinking about ..."

Such nonsense lies can be figured out.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head and pinched her mouth and said, "What's the matter? It's basically the same anyway. Think about it. Was I raised by my dad since I was a kid? All my pocket money is for him. Yes, is he my master? Is it okay? "

Yin Shaojie, "..."

That being said, there is really nothing wrong with it!

He frowned and said, "Anyway, no, I don't like to watch them say these words that slander you. I am very unhappy. There will be all kinds of unpleasant words. No, I can't stand it."

How vicious a human heart is, she doesn't know, but he knows it.

Even if he knew it wasn't the case, he couldn't tolerate her in the most vicious language.

Seeing that he was really unhappy, Mu Xiaoxiao went up and wrapped his hands around his neck.

"I don't care what other people say about me, anyway, you just know what I am."

She only cares about who she cares about, and who doesn't care, who cares about him!

"But I care!"

Yin Shaojun's face approached, touching the tip of her nose, her thin lips curled into a nice straight line.

"I can't stand anyone saying bad things about you, even if it's fake."

Mu Xiaoxiao compromised and said, "Oh, then I don't want to say that, okay? My identity is not a state secret, and it will be exposed if it is exposed."

Anyway, after Guo's birthday feast, she also left.

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