Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2866: Want him to stay alone? (3)

Mu Xiaoxiao looked out through the car window and was surprised to find that there were a few servants standing at the door of the villa, bowing respectfully, and apparently no villa in the house for several years, but no trace of desertion.

She asked, "Dad, did you find someone to clean?"

Mu Zhengbai explained with a smile, "Someone has been cleaning, let's go, let's go home."

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded forcefully, "Well, let's go home!"

She got out of the car, and the whole picture of the villa suddenly came into view.

Just for a moment, Mu Xiaohong's eyes turned red.

Home ... I'm back.

I haven't seen you for a long time, I really miss it.

There is no need to deliberately remember that there are too many memories in this home, but just standing in front of the home, those memories automatically come to mind.

Mu Zhengbai took her hand and walked in.

Passing by the front yard, there is a swing bench next to it.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't have to close his eyes, as if he could hear the laughter of childhood.

A mist of water floated on the eyes.


I miss my mother ...

Mu Zhengbai's eyes were also full of memories.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt his father's hand tightened, looked up at him, and found that the corners of his eyes were red, as if trying to endure something.

She chose to remain silent.

The maids welcomed them into the villa.

The villa looks as if nothing had changed four years ago.

The heating was on, and the cold brought in was quickly dissipated.

The maid stepped forward and took the jackets they had taken off.

Mu Xiaoxiao was thinking about something, and suddenly broke away from Dad's hand. Her eyes were red and her mouth was smiling.

"Dad, I want to go back to the room to see."

After that, she stumbled upstairs.

In fact, she knew that Dad wanted to go back to his bedroom with his mother, and wanted to be with his mother alone, so she didn't bother to considerately.

He said clearly not to be sad, as long as those happy memories.


The thing is sentimental, or it has infected Mu Xiaoxin's heart.

She returned to her bedroom.

Looking at everything familiar in the room, there was a dream illusion.

She let herself fall on the bed and closed her eyes.

The smell of the room seemed to bring her back to her childhood ...

Without waiting for her to remember too much, a servant came up and called her to go downstairs.

She responded, "Well, I'll go down immediately."

I thought Dad would remember her sweet past with Mom in the room, so why did she tell her to go down so soon.

Going down to the living room, I saw Dad sitting on the sofa and beckoning her to pass.

There were a few servants standing in front of Dad, holding a lot of things in his hands.

Mu Xiaoxiao walked over and glanced.

"What are these?" She asked.

Mu Zhengbai's lips had a soft smile, but his eyes were filled with memories, explaining to her, "This is what I have just taken out of the vault. It is what we left in China before we went to the United States . "

He looked at Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes and said, "These are part of the dowry that your mother prepared for you."

Mu Xiaomin's thoughts were touched.

"Mom's dowry for me ..."

She looked at the open brocade boxes in front of her, each of which was printed with the letters of her mother's name.

"This ... I have an impression." She picked up one of the jewelry, a string of dark purple pearls, and the purple film on the outside was a mysterious sheen, very beautiful, elegant and noble.

She still remembers that this was a pearl that my father had hardly bought. My father gave it to my mother. She was only a few years old and felt good looking. She entangled her mother, but her father refused.

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