Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2888: No wonder she sleeps (1)

Afterwards, Yin Shaojie, like a hungry wolf, ate a girl cleanly.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't hold it in the end, so tired that he fell asleep.


The room was dark and Mu Xiaoxiao was awake from hunger.

When she woke up, she frowned, and on her chest was a wall of meat, exuding the high temperature of the human body.

The nose was filled with Yin Shao's breath, which reassured her in the dark.

However, peace of mind cannot fill the stomach.

She was too hungry to poke Yin Shaoyu's abdomen with her hand. She felt hard. She opened her palm subconsciously and covered it, so she could feel the well-defined abs.

The firmness of a man is exactly the opposite of the softness of a woman.

But it is precisely this way that there is a so-called yin-yang reconciliation.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled softly and was called by someone tossing into a husky voice, "Hey, Yin Shaojie, wake up ..."

Although her voice was not loud, he seemed to hear it and moved.

The room was too dark, she couldn't see his eyes open, but didn't hear him.

She twisted his abdominal muscles this time. Of course, because it was too strong, it could only be massaged and could not be twisted at all.

Suddenly, a big hand pushed her small messy hand.

"Don't mess around." Someone's hoarse, **** voice came over his head.

Mu Xiaoxiao pouted and laughed. Is he reacted when she touched it?

Just touch it like this and it will react, will he be too ...

She didn't feel convinced, so she touched it deliberately, and the movement was still very embarrassing.

Yin Shaoji took a deep breath, and her big hand clasped her wrist.

"Don't you want to sleep tonight?" He lowered his voice threateningly.

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed so loudly that he couldn't see the room anyway.

However, she did not know that in the darkness, an obsidian-like eye was staring at her face.

Grunt ...

A protest sounded in her belly, reminding her of the purpose of waking up.

Mu Xiaoxiao's smile broke down and he said weakly, "Well, I'm so hungry ..."

He must have been exhausted by his toss, so he would be hungry in the middle of the night.

This time, Yin Shao's big hand touched her belly.

Mu Xiaoxiao is sensitive and feels itching. "Don't touch it."

Grunt ...

The stomach happened to be mournful again, so that Yin Shaoyi's palm felt it clearly.

In the darkness, he slightly hooked his mouth.

"I thought I've fed you so many times, and I can't feed you. I was hungry."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

She blushed, what was this guy thinking!

I thought she still wanted ...

Please! She was torn down by his toss. How could she still want it?

Hungry of course!

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't have the energy to fight with him, like a soft cat, and said sloppyly, "Hurry up and get me something to eat, otherwise I will starve to death."

I've never felt so hungry. I feel like my internal organs are empty.

Yin Shaojie saw her speechless and touched her cheek distressedly, got up and turned on the light.

"Okay, what do you want to eat?"

Mu Xiao's novel, "Everything is fine, as long as it can fill the stomach."

Looks really hungry, not picky at all.

The orange bedside lamp turned on, reflecting Mu Xiaoxiao's look.

Yin Shaojiu got out of bed, picked up the bathrobe on the ground, put it on casually, fastened his belt and went out.

After a while, he walked back to the bedroom and took Mu Xiaolien out of bed.

Mu Xiao Novel, "Don't hold me out, I just want to stay in bed ..."

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