Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2909: This girl is really drunk (2)

The driver answered well and drove.

Han Qiqing suddenly choked on the car, asking the driver to drive it to the moon.

Song Shijun, "..."

It seems this girl is really drunk!

The more he thought about it, the more reassured he was as he walked into the room, calculating the time, and when she was almost home, he called her.

Who knows, after half an hour, he made a phone call, and over the phone came a formula female voice.

"The call you dialed is off. Please redial later ..."

Song Shijun, "..."

Han family.

When Han Qiqing returned home, he was drunk.

The maid wanted to step forward to help her, but she didn't let it.

"Don't help me, no one will help me, I'm not drunk! I'm fine!"

She opened her hands, face small, and would not let anyone help her.

The maid and housekeeper looked at her anxiously, for fear that she would fall and choke.

At this moment, a tall, stern figure stood by the railing on the second floor, and her dark eyes were gazing at her downstairs.

In the living room, Han Qiqing walked twisted and twisted, giving the illusion that she might fall at any time.

The maid and housekeeper were trembling.

"Miss, let us help you, you're drunk."

Han Qiqing frowned, and yelled, "I'm not drunk! I said I'm not drunk! Have I been drunk, do I not know yet?"

She suddenly stood still, her eyes narrowed, and she looked forward.

"Why ... a little dazzling ..."

She took two steps, a little crooked.

Suddenly stood still, trying to stabilize myself.

Moving forward, trying to crook myself back, but crooked to the other side.

So, when I saw her stupid, she first walked to the right, stood still in the middle, and then walked to the left, looking very funny.

Someone who looked at this scene on the second floor always had a cold smile on his face.

Han Qiqing kept looking down at the road, afraid that he might fall.

She didn't notice at all, a tall figure came towards her.

As she walked crookedly, she whispered in her heart: Why is my eyes shaking so hard, am I really drunk?

No more, the world in front of me turned suddenly.

Han Qiqing finally couldn't stand it.

Who and who will help her!

When I was seduced, I couldn't make a sound.

She flew forward as soon as possible, thinking she was about to fall to the ground, but did not expect to fall into a warm embrace.

A pair of strong arms encircled her.

The breath is a familiar masculinity.

The dull little head has not yet responded to who the master of this breath is, but the first feeling is to feel at ease.

In the ambiguity, it seemed like I was being held up horizontally.

Han Qiqing carefully dragged his clothes, and then slowly opened his eyes.

In the drunken eyes, the elder brother's grim face came into view.

Her eyes were dull, she didn't know what she was thinking, and her eyes were a little loose.

When she was put on the bed, she came back to her voice and whispered, "Brother ..."

A warm big hand was placed on her forehead, and her long fingers dialed her bangs with a messy forehead.

"Huh?" A cold voice came over his head.

Han Qiqing's voice was vague, like a coquettish child, and said aggrieved, "I'm uncomfortable ... dizzy ..."

He asked, "How much wine did you drink?"

Han Qiqing murmured, "Just drink a little ... red wine ..."

He didn't answer her, as if turned around and ordered something from the housekeeper.

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