Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2933: I don't like her (2)

Han Qiqing snorted and couldn't stop laughing, "Don't you say that to me specifically? Don't think of you, I can't afford to sell it."

If the cheaper car is the friendship between the two, if she has enough money, she might give it to him on his birthday, but the sports car is too expensive and she can't afford it.

Sometimes she also envied Ye Sijue and Yin Shaojie, who are also members of the four major families. Why is she so poor?

Do n’t we all say that girls need to be rich and boys are poor?

But in turn, Ye Sijue and Yin Shaojie are more wealthy than her.

With grievances in his heart, Han Qiqing also vowed.

Song Shijun laughed aside, "Do you think the two of them are spending the money given by their family? They both made money by investing in themselves!"

Han Qiqing said, "I don't understand anything about investing ..."

Song Shijun said, "If you don't understand these, just don't think about it, so as not to lose all your pocket money."

Han Qiqing depressed his cheeks depressedly.

Obviously all four big families, why is there so much difference in IQ ...

Is their Han family a fake four big family?

No right

It's her uselessness, but her brother is very profitable! Not worse than Yin Shaojiu or Ye Sijue.

Han Qiqing murmured, "Did I pick it up at home?"

When Song Shijun heard it, he gave her a sideways glance, and said funnyly, "What are you talking about, girls, as long as you are responsible for spending money? Of course, men are responsible for making money."

After hearing that, Han Qiqing nodded and said, "Men are responsible for making money to support their families, and women are responsible for being beautiful, right?"

Song Shijun groaned. "That's okay."

Han Qiqing smiled, looked confident, and clenched his fist, saying, "On spending money, I think I have enough ability in this regard."

Song Shijun laughed.

The two were in the car humming together as usual.

Almost to the cinema.

Han Qiqing remembered the sandwich in his hand and opened the bag to see the delicious taste.

She took out a piece to eat.

Song Shijun shook his head when she looked at her without an image. "You look like this. Will a man want you?"

Han Qiqing gave him an unhappy glance, "Hey!"

What was she thinking of? She narrowed her eyes and asked him, "Just now, what did you talk to my brother? Wouldn't you just be talking bad about me?"

According to his usual vomiting to her, this possibility is very high.

Song Shijun pouted and laughed, "He asked me ... are we dating?"

Han Qiqing froze a bit, a little embarrassed. "When he just blown my hair, he also asked me if I was going out with you ..."

Song Shijun looked at her in surprise.

"You said, he just blown your hair?"

Han Qiqing smiled smugly, "My brother treats me well now!"

This is not the first time her brother has blown her hair.

Song Shijun said, "No wonder he is now concerned about your relationship."

Han Qiqing ate the last sandwich, and his hands were a little dirty.

Song Shijun noticed that she took her tissue and handed it to her.

"Thank you." Han Qiqing wiped his hands and asked him, "What else did you talk about?"

It always felt that he must have said something bad about her.

At the movie theater's mall, Song Shijun drove the car into the parking lot and said quietly, "It's nothing, he asked you about your school, and we didn't talk a few words, and you came down."

"Oh." Han Qiqing opened the door and got out of the car, thinking that the cinema would not take food outside, so he put the rest of the sandwich on the car.

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