Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2942: Kiss her (3)

Only this time, instead of laughing, everyone looked at each other and felt that the girl was too sensible.

What is Song Shijun's identity, and what is her identity? Want the grand mayor's son to learn dog barking from her?

Don't wait for Song Shijun to speak, someone will come forward and say, "You can't use the same order, change it."

Others echoed, "Yes, change one, not the same."

The girl was reluctant. "You didn't say it couldn't be the same at the beginning."

"Anyway, it can't be the same now, you have to change one, otherwise this round will be skipped."

The girl was a little angry and suddenly stood up and said to Song Shijun, "Well, Song Shijun, I want you to kiss me!"

Everyone, "..."

Han Qiqing raised his eyebrows and looked at Song Shijun next to him.

This woman likes Song Shijun?

Song Shijun's mouth slipped, leaning back against the back of his chair, his chin raised arrogantly, staring directly at the girl and saying, "I refuse."

The girl snapped, "You ... can't refuse!"

Everyone stood on Song Shijun's side. "You can refuse. If you say too much, you can refuse."

"You guys!" The girl was so angry, but one person said that they were so many, so she had to sit down discouraged.

The game continues.

After Han Qiqing draws the card, he looks at Lu Yichen on the other side.

She smiled bitterly. "Why don't you feel involved?"

I don't know if he is lucky, Lu Yichen draws all the middle cards.

Lu Yichen said quietly, "This is good."

Actually he didn't want to come at all.

Originally, he also proposed to the Gu family to go home and go back to live with his mother.

But Mr. Gu left him in various ways, insisting that he is a descendant of the Gu family, and helped him to establish various relationships so that he could be integrated into the world of the giants.

However, Lu Yichen just wanted to return to his own world.

He certainly knows that having a good relationship with the people in front of him will greatly help his future.

But he has his pride.

He wanted to rely on himself and use his own strength to win the respect of others, not on the relationship of the family.

Han Qiqing glanced at the card that he had placed at the edge of the table, suddenly reached out and took his card, putting down his card.

"I'll change it with you!"

Lu Yichen thought it didn't matter.

However, when the card is turned over, he is the smallest card.

Han Qiqing felt incredible and couldn't help crying, "My God, it's almost me ..."

This was originally her card, and she exchanged it with Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen's expression was quite calm.

The smallest card has come out, and now the largest card is left.

Song Shijun held up the card in his hand and proclaimed, "I am the king."

Han Qiqing, "..."

Somehow has a bad hunch.

Song Shijun came to Yichen with a smile on his eyes.

Everyone is waiting for his order.

Lu Yichen has never participated in the game, and suddenly he was drawn to the slave card. Everyone was very interested. He wondered if he would follow the order.

Song Shijun held the card between his fingers, and the corner of the card nodded towards Lu Yichen, and he said, "You kiss Qiqing."


This is exciting!

The crowds were all waiting to see the drama.

One is the Han family Qianjin of the four major families, and the other is the master Gu family of the four major families.

Does Song Shijun dare to make such an order? Is there an ambiguity between the two?

Many people think that Song Shijun and Han Qiqing are a pair.

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