Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2961: If you like her, my brother won't rob you (2)

"Bless her family to take her away, preferably tomorrow, oh no, tonight! Immediately!"

"Shijun, if you didn't take care of me in the hospital today, I would be pathetic."

Over the phone.

Song Shijun came back from the bath, and when he looked at his mobile phone, he saw so many messages.

He couldn't help but smile and reply to her.

"Even if I don't take care of you, you still have a housekeeper and a servant, most of them are rushing to take care of you."

This is not false.

If she gets sick of those friends in his compound, they must be rushing to the hospital.

Ding Dong!

Hearing the message, Song Shijun opened it.

"It is enough for me to have you. Song Shijun is the best in the world!"

There are also a bunch of emoji packs at the back.

The smile on Song Shijun's mouth deepened.

The two talked for a while, and he noticed that people in the compound had been calling him.

This group was built by several well-connected boys in the military compound.

He clicked into the group and saw what the men were fighting for.

"I said first to chase Qi Qing. If you are brothers, you can't grab me!"

"What are you? I said it first!"

"I said, shouldn't you have asked Shi Jun? Although he said that he and Qi Qing are not male and female friends, maybe he likes her in his heart? If this is the case, we have no hope, how could we have won Shi Jun . "

Behind it is everyone @ 了 他 过 了.

"Shijun! Shijun! Come out and say, do you like Qiqing? If so, as a brother, I won't rob you."

"I dare to gamble with you for a dollar. He must like Qi Qing!"

"I bet two dollars!"

"You guys are too stingy, one for two, I bet ten!"

"Shijun Shijun Shijun Shijun Shijun Shijun, come out and make it clear! As long as you say no, I'll go after Qi Qing!"

"Wait, have you forgotten what I said before? I chase first, are you brothers?"

"No, there are no brothers in front of a woman!"

Song Shijun was lying on the bed obliquely, with his fingers flicking and looking through the entire chat history.

Everyone in the group urged him, and he finally spoke.

"You guys one by one, still want to chase her? Dreaming! The application was rejected."

But everyone's focus was not on this, and they forced him to confess.

"Brother, first make it clear, do you like Qi Qing? If not, don't rob you, if not, how can you stop the brothers to fight for happiness?

"Don't you understand? Shi Jun's meaning is so obvious. They won't let you chase after him, does he like others?"

"Okay, good, good."

Song Shijun shook his head, too lazy to ignore them, anyway, his attitude was already there.

At this time, someone shouted, "I'm lost in love. Tonight I'm going to drink. If it's a brother, go with me."

"Broken +1"

"Broken +2"

"I asked my sister not to go."

The man was immediately under siege.

"Oh, didn't you just say that you want to chase Qiqing? While you were dating your sister, you also wanted to chase Qiqing. It really was scum!

"This scumbag has the image of a good man who ruins us and recommends kicking him out of the crowd."


The person who just said I had a girl, said quickly, "My girl I have a few girlfriends, are all very beautiful, are you interested?"

"Oh, do you think we are all so scum like you? I tell you-I'm very interested, hurry up and play together!"

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