Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2973: The thief shouts and catches the thief (2)

I just did n’t expect that Li Yizhen beat her face once, and continued to say to the housekeeper, “Butler, you testify now, this thing is mine, but your lady just accused me of stealing her things. Is this your Han family? Way of hospitality? "

The steward had to bend over and apologize, "Sorry Miss Li."

After all, the truth is before them, and they are indeed rude.

Han Qiqing's face was bluish and purple, but he still didn't believe this was the case.


How could it be wrong?

She knew that at this time she should apologize to Li Yizhen and admit her mistake.


She couldn't say.

She really couldn't say.

Especially Li Yizhen's cheeky face at the moment made her so angry that she just wanted to tear the other person's true face.

Han Qiqing's mind was a little confused, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Is it really so coincidental?

Li Yizhen bought her the same brand of cufflinks, and also picked the same color brocade box.

So coincident?

No, she doesn't believe it!

She really couldn't believe such a coincidence!

However, the facts were before her, and she could only speak in silence.

Li Yizhen pretended to say to Han Qiqing seriously, "Xiao Qing, I think you are still young, so you are not sensible, and I do not blame you. Since it has been proven that things are mine, everything is misunderstood. It's okay to talk to your little ones. "

Han Qiqing's hands dangled into fists, holding back his anger.

Every word this woman said she felt harsh.

The meaning of this sentence is not to blame her for being unreasonable and making troubles unreasonably?

There are a lot of adults ...

Han Qiqing was so angry that he wanted to swear.

After Li Yizhen taught her once, she shook her hand and said, "You go out first, I will go out later, and I will put on makeup now."

Han Qiqing didn't want to see her any more, and turned away with a cold face.

The housekeeper followed.

Li Yizhen called the housekeeper and said, "Yes, I will go out later and help me arrange the car."

Han Qiqing, "..."

What does this woman mean, has she taken her home here?

However, it may be because of their rudeness that the steward naturally followed Li Yizhen and responded softly, "I see, Miss Li."

Han Qiqing was even more angry, and went out quickly.

I just feel that the air here is annoying.

Wait for the door to close.

Li Yizhen hooked his mouth lightly, walked slowly and locked the door.

She went to the dresser and sat down, picked up her cell phone and dialed.

"Fortunately, you asked me to sell the thing, otherwise she would find it."

There was a complacent laughter from her girlfriend on the phone, "I told you to listen to me. I have the most experience with this. Of course, I have to sell it. Is it still so stupid to keep it in my hand, waiting to be stolen and obtained ? "

Li Yizhen put the small brocade box on the dresser, opened the box, and touched the cufflinks inside.

"You didn't see her expression just now, she laughed at me, but she was very sure that the contents of the box were hers, forcing me to open the box to confirm, I deliberately hesitated and made her think I was guilty, If you really open the box, haha, her expression is ugly! "

Her girlfriend smiled. "You are really bad enough. Buy the cufflinks of the same brand on purpose, and use the same color box in the obvious place on the bedside table, don't you just wait for her to discover it?"

Li Yizhen laughed, "That also required her to run into my room and search politely, before I counted it."

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