Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2996: You are not yet an adult (1)

After hearing this answer, Han Qiqing pursed his lips.

Although ... she also thought about this possibility.

But when she got this answer, her heart couldn't be restrained.

She asked embarrassingly, "Brother ... did you buy it?"

No, the salesperson in the specialty store just called her and said that the domestic counters no longer have this cufflink.

Also, how does my brother know that she bought this style?

The servant said, "I don't know much about this. I only know that the young master brought this brocade box in."

Han Qiqing shook her hand and let the servant go out.

She sat on the bed, holding the small brocade box, and looked up and down.

Did he buy it again, or did he help her find the missing one?

I really want to know the truth.

She couldn't bear it. She found her cell phone from the bedside table and called her brother.

With his hand on his left chest, his heart beat a little faster.

After a few rings, it was connected over there.

"Hey." There was a cold voice from my brother.

Han Qiqing's heartbeat fluttered, and he stuttered, "Brother ... Well, I saw the box on the table. Did you put it right? How did you ...?"

He asked, "Happy?"

Han Qiqing was so sweet in heart that he couldn't hide the joy on his face.

Even if she knew he couldn't see her, she nodded and said, "Happy ~ Thank you! Tell me, how did you find this?"

She felt that this was the one she lost.

But how did your brother find it?

Did she misunderstand Li Yizhen? Didn't Li Yizhen take it?

He explained lowly, "Someone sold it. I asked someone to check it and found it."

Han Qiqing asked, "Who sold it?"

Is it Li Yizhen?

However, my brother did not answer her question.

"Just take it back. You put it this time. I'm working and hung up." Han Yuexiu said softly and hung up.

Han Qiqing stared at the phone screen, still thinking about this problem.

Is it Li Yizhen?

It must be Li Yizhen.

So I did not misunderstand her.

Although she was a little angry, Li Yizhen was too much. She lived in someone else's house and did n’t even take the host ’s things, she even sold them.

However, it would be good if something came back, she didn't want to care about it.

And now Li Yizhen has been kicked out of her house.

She doesn't want to meet Li Yizhen again.

After Han Qiqing figured it out, he happily put the small brocade box together and figured out how to give it to his brother.

My brother should have guessed, did she buy this for him?

Although I knew it, there were no surprises.

However, with her brother's personality, you won't be too surprised if you don't know.

It seemed that nothing could alarm him.

Tarzan collapsed and remained unchanged, probably describing her brother.

Anyway, the thing was found back, or the original one.

Han Qiqing felt particularly happy.

She had just received a phone call from a sales clerk saying that she couldn't buy it in China. She still felt bad and thought that today would be a bad day.

Unexpectedly, the peak circuit turned.

Today is a wonderful day!

Han Qiqing was very happy, humming Quer into the bathroom, finished washing, and changed his clothes.

She went downstairs and went straight into the kitchen.

"Miss, what breakfast do you want?" The servant in the kitchen asked respectfully.

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