Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3101: Is he confessing like this? (3)

After ordering, Han Qiqing regretted a little.

Holding her chin, she said to Han Yuexiu, "It seems to be too much. What if I can't finish eating?"

Han Yuexiu said, "It doesn't matter if you can't finish eating."

Next to them was a table of couples, who were almost finished with their meals. The girls were obviously full, but the pasta in front of them looked like they were intact.

The boy reproached, "I asked you to stop ordering so much, ordering couple packages, and ordering a plate of noodles, you see, can't you finish eating?"

The girl murmured, "This is a new flavor. I just want to taste it. What should I do?"

"I can't help you."

The boy said, pulled her noodles and helped her eat.

The girl smiled sweetly and looked at him with a face.

Noting Han Qiqing's sight, Han Yuexiu looked over.

He learned quickly and said to Han Qiqing, "If you can't finish eating, I will help you eat."

Han Qiqing froze.

She couldn't believe what he said!

She looked over there, only to be attracted, not to imply that he would follow suit.

"Even if you ca n’t finish eating ..."

In her impression, her elder brother was somewhat clean-skinned, and it was absolutely impossible for him to eat the food left by others.

I remember once when relatives came to visit us at home, we asked him to hold a female doll. The female doll just held an eaten biscuit. I wonder if the female doll liked him and forced him to eat cookies.

She also remembered clearly that her brother's face had become a little dark.

The baby girl's mother knew very well and immediately carried the child back.

Therefore, when he heard this sentence, Han Qiqing would be so surprised.

She didn't want him to force herself to please her.

So, after serving, Han Qiqing worked hard to eat everything he ordered.

Han Yuexiu frowned when she saw how difficult she was.

"Don't eat any more."

Han Qiqing shook his head, "I can eat!"

Han Yuexiu couldn't stand it anymore, he reached over and brought the pasta plate over.

"I said, if you can't finish, I will help you eat."

Han Qiqing frowned and said, "Don't force yourself, you can't finish it."

It doesn't have to be finished.

"Not reluctantly."

He whispered, looked up at her, and added, "I've eaten your saliva anyway. What does this matter?"

Han Qiqing flushed instantly.

She realized afterwards that she realized that she had been stung.

Was she jailed?

She was absolutely captive!

Too much, how could he do this, silently stingy!

After dinner and watching the movie, the two returned to the old house very late.

Han Yuexiu sent her back to the room.

Han Qiqing suddenly stopped him at the door and refused to let him in.

She raised her face and said to him seriously, "I tell you, I haven't forgiven you yet."

Han Yuexiu responded softly, "Yes."

Han Qiqing said proudly, "It depends on your performance. You hurt me so sad before. Of course, I have to think about it. Otherwise, what if you promise a blind date next time?"

"No." Han Yuexiu looked into her eyes and explained, "I didn't agree, she told me, I refused."

"How did you refuse?" Han Qiqing was curious.

"I told her I didn't like her," he said softly.

"Oh, that's it?"

Han Qiqing is obviously not satisfied.

I thought, he would say, he has people like him ...

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