Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3110: Is he jealous? (4)

Although she can't dance, she has a good sense of rhythm.

So this bet is clearly she won, why didn't she agree?

So the fighting dance started.

Said to be fighting dance, actually two rookies peck each other.

Song Shijun also broke out, only to accompany her to play this.

He had good luck cells, but letting him dance was killing him.

But he is very clever, knowing that as long as he hits the point, he will score, not how good he wants to jump.

Han Qiqing only looked at the screen and scrambled for gestures without notice.

The song is over.

Han Qiqing was sweating.

At first glance, she scored less than half of Song Shijun's!

The result surprised her.

"what's the situation?"

Song Shijun laughed, "That's how I won and you lost."

Han Qiqing still couldn't believe it. "Why do you score so high?"

Song Shijun joked, "Probably, this machine still looks at the value of the score."

Han Qiqing gave him a white look.

He asked, "Will there be another round? Give you a chance to come back."

Han Qiqing shook his head. "No, I'm so tired. I won't play anymore."

She went back to the doll and walked out of the dancing machine.

Song Shijun followed her and said, "Which one shall we play next?"

"Anyway, I'm a little tired. Take a break."

The two played in the video game city.

After noon, Han Qiqing could not help but insisted on going home.

Song Shijun wanted to send her. She refused and called the driver.

He put her in the car and told her, "Go home and send me a WeChat."

"Um." Han Qiqing nodded.

Song Shijun asked the driver to drive and retreated.

Han Qiqing looked at him outside the car and suddenly said, "Shijun, thank you!"

Song Shijun said with a smile, "Thank you, thank you, fool."

In some words, Han Qiqing was ashamed to speak, but grateful for words.

She waved at him until he couldn't see him.

She thought to herself that she was so lucky to have a dead party like Shijun, a male girlfriend.

Perhaps it was that she was too smooth in friendship, so God made her love so rough.

Back to Han's old house.

When the car entered the gate, Han Qiqing saw two figures on the second floor, as if Han Yuexiu and Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan seemed to be saying something excited.

Han Yuexiu was facing away, so Han Qiqing couldn't see clearly.

As soon as the car stopped, Han Qiqing hurried out of the car.

She entered the living room, and the children saw her and the doll she was holding in her hands, and screamed in joy.

"Sister Qiqing!"

Han Qiqing distributes the baby to the children and goes upstairs.

She walked to the balcony on the second floor and heard Lin Yuan's sad voice.

"Senior, I really don't want to give up on you! You don't know how much I like you, even if there is only one thousandth of hope, I want to work hard, I even think about how to chase you, but ... I I can only give up now, right? "

Han Yuexiu said indifferently, "Yes."

Lin Yuan said with a trembling voice, "OK ... I'll be home tomorrow."

Han Qiqing could not help but quietly peeped down.

Although she only saw Lin Yuan's side face, she could clearly see her loss of heart and sadness.

Han Yuexiu looked up and found her.

Those cold and deep eyes seemed to have an emotion all of a sudden, and his indifference disappeared.

He ignored Lin Yuan and walked towards her.

"Why did it take so long?"

Han Qiqing felt inexplicable, he seemed to hear a little jealous?

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