Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3114: I am all yours (4)

To her, trying to get a little tenderness from Han Yuexiu seems to be a luxury.

Although she knew it was impossible, Han Qiqing said paranoidly to her, "No, my brother's sister can only be me."

Whether it is a sister or a lover, it can only be her!

Lin Yuan only swore her sovereignty because she was afraid that her brother would be taken away.

She sighed and smiled bitterly, "Isn't it good for the next life?"

Han Qiqing insisted, "No."

"Sister Lin Yuan, don't think about it anymore, the more you think about it, the more sad you are. Come down and eat the cake. When you are in a bad mood, eating cake will make people happy.

Lin Yuan nodded in agreement and thanked her, "Thank you, Qi Qing."

Han Qiqing touched his nose guilty.

After having dinner, Han Qiqing told his parents about going to Han Yuexiu to have a barbecue with his friends.

The parents agreed.

Han Qiqing also prepared some chicken wings and lamb chops marinated in seasoning and packed them for taking.

After talking to her family, she went out with her brother.

When the children saw that she was going out, they were wrapped around her buttocks and clawed to follow.

Han Qiqing coaxed them for a while before finally making them obedient.

The children stood at the door and waved reluctantly at her.

"Sister Qiqing, come back soon!"

"Sister Qiqing, we will miss you."

"Sister Qiqing, remember to bring us something delicious when you return."

People who do n’t know what they think they are regretful of.

The adults aside laughed at the bunch of radish heads.

They did not want a driver, and Han Yuexiu was responsible for driving.

Saying goodbye to the children, Han Qiqing turned his attention and looked at Han Yuexiu with a smile.

Han Yuexiu turned his head, looked at her, and saw the little star in her eyes.

His dark eyes also softened and asked her softly, "So happy?"

Han Qiqing nodded and said, "I'm so popular, so many people like me, and of course I'm happy."

Most importantly, the people I like also like me.

Han Yuexiu smiled slightly.

Han Qiqing rested his chin on his hand, condensing his Qingjun's side, remembering what Lin Yuan said, could not help telling him.

"Lin Yuan said she wants to be your sister in the next life."

Han Yuexiu asked softly, "How do you answer her?"

Han Qiqing hummed, "Of course I can't say it! Your sister can only be me!"

Although not my sister.

But she doesn't care.

She wanted his tenderness to be given to her alone, and no one would share it.

Just at the red light, the car stopped.

He turned to look at her, his black eyes seemingly smiling, and asked, "You want to be my sister? Not your lover?"

Lover ...

Unexpectedly, he would hear the word from his mouth, and Han Qiqing was instantly moved, his heart became hot and hot.

She looked into his eyes and said greedily, "Both ..."

Han Yue's eyes moved slightly, and he reached out and rubbed her head.

Turned the green light.

After crossing this crossroad, he turned the car into a side road and found a parking space.

Han Qiqing looked at him doubtfully.

Obviously not here yet ...

In the next second, Han Yuexiu came to bully himself, clasped her back with a big hand, pulled her over, and her thin lips covered her small mouth accurately.

After kissing gently, his lips parted.

She heard his dumb voice saying, "It's all yours."

"I'm all yours."

He repeated in a low voice.

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