Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3120: You should not indulge me like this (2)

Han Qiqing nodded, "I can't find a hair dryer in the room. Can you help me ask Brother Zhou Fang?"

Han Yuexiu nodded slightly, "OK."

He turned and went out.

Han Qiqing exhaled and found out that he was just holding his breath nervously.

After a while, Han Yuexiu returned with a hairdryer.

It was just removed from the box.

Han Qiqing reached for him and asked him to give her a hairdryer.

But Han Yuexiu did not give her, but motioned her to sit on the sofa.

Han Qiqing's heart jumped, thinking he wouldn't want to help her, right?

Sure enough, she guessed it.

After Han Yuexiu plugged in the plug, he said to her, "Come, I'll help you blow."

Han Qiqing squeezed her lips, but the corners of her mouth still couldn't hide the sweet smile.

She sat smartly and asked him to blow her hair.

Slender fingers passed through her hair and gave her a tingling sensation.

My heart is warm and crisp.

Both were quiet and did not speak.

Han Qiqing was shy, while Han Yuexiu was used to speaking less.

However, the atmosphere has a different kind of warmth.

When it was almost dry, Han Yue repaired her hair ends and said magnetically, "You seem to have a lot of hair."

Han Qiqing didn't know what to answer, so he said "um".

She didn't know how to put her hands and feet right now. All she thought about was that they were going to sleep together tonight and didn't know what would happen.

The whistle in the ear stopped suddenly.

He said, "OK."

Han Qiqing was still a little bit interested, as if he could not wait for him to keep blowing.

She touched her hair with her fingers, and she had dried up.

"Thank you……"

Han Yuexiu was about to get up, Han Qiqing raised his eyes and looked at him, couldn't help asking, "Are you going to play cards?"

He said, "When taking the hair dryer, tell them not to fight."

and so?

Han Qiqing looked at him nervously and shyly.

Han Yuexiu said, "It's very late. Go to bed. I'll take a shower."


Han Qiqing bowed his head, not wanting him to see his face flushed.

She hurried over to the bed.

Although Han Yuexiu couldn't see her flushed face, she saw her red ears.

The corner of his mouth slightly raised.

Han Qiqing climbed to the bed and lifted the quilt to cover himself.

Her ears stood up like a radar, listening to his situation.

Hearing the sound of him entering the bathroom, closing the door, then the sound of water ...

Han Yuexiu quickly took a bath and came out wearing a bathrobe.

Han Qiqing quickly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

She heard footsteps approaching the bed.

The heartbeat was as fast as drumming.

She didn't know that her shaky eyelashes had betrayed her.

A large wet hand touched her face, and her deep voice seemed to be close to her ear, saying, "Good night."

Han Qiqing always felt that he would kiss himself in the next second, holding his breath subconsciously, his heart faintly expecting.

However, she waited for a long time without waiting for the kiss.

Finally, she couldn't help but open her eyes.

There is no Han Yuexiu in front of him.

She froze and turned to look.

The lights in the room have gone out.

It took her a while to find him on the sofa.

The two-seater sofa couldn't fit his tall body.

She suddenly understood.

He didn't intend to sleep with her in a bed ...

Han Qiqing could not tell whether he was disappointed or angry.

But it is clear that expectations are failing.

She grumbled resentfully.

what the hell……

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