Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3124: He wants her, right? (2)

All his true face, only she could see.

The feeling of suffocation swells the chest.

But Han Qiqing had no time to take care of him, all his senses were only him, devoured by him and plundered by him.

At this moment, she could only feel him with all her heart.

She was surrounded by his domineering breath, and branded everything that belonged to him.

Just kissing, far from being satisfied.

His hands began to walk over her, trying to reach in from the hem of her coat.

When his hot palms lay on her waist, the flesh did not feel attached to the flesh, making her make a sweet groan.

However, Han Yuexiu's movement suddenly stopped.

He stopped, lowered his head, and rubbed her face.

Han Qiqing breathed hard, opened his eyes, and his chest was violently undulating.

Everything just was too ...

She didn't know how to describe it, it was like opening the door to a new world, letting her know that she could still have such a passion.

The two looked at each other.

Han Yuexiu reached out and touched her head, pulling her messy hair aside.

He bowed his head and kissed her with a treasure on her forehead.

His voice was incredibly dumb, but he had recovered his calmness.

"You really should sleep."

Moving on, he really didn't know what would happen.

The self-control that has always been proud of her is completely a decoration in front of her.

Han Qiqing was kissed a little bit, and after a while he couldn't return.

Han Yuexiu coaxed her twice and got up from her.

Han Qiqing just returned to his thoughts, staring blankly at him.

Where is he going ...

She reacted slowly for half a beat and failed to hold him.

Han Yuexiu quickly entered the bathroom, and then the sound of water sounded.

Han Qiqing was holding the quilt, wondering what to think, his face was flushed.

After a few minutes, Han Yuexiu came out.

She was afraid he would go to sleep on the sofa again, or simply leave the room, so she hurriedly sat up and stared at him.

Han Yuexiu walked over and helped her arrange the slightly spring clothes.


Han Qiqing grabbed his hand, stared at him and said, "You can't go with me to sleep."

She could feel that his skin was cold.

He just went to flush the cold water.

So he ... reacted to her?

He wants her, right?

Han Qiqing was ecstatic.

Han Yuexiu was helpless, but looking at her domineering look, she naturally compromised.

He lifted the quilt and went to bed again.

This time, she did nothing, just lay beside her and said quietly, "Sleep."

Han Qiqing grinned at the corner of his mouth, and crawled into his arms like a caterpillar.

"I see, you've said it many times."

He kept repeating, wondering what else she wanted to do, or was he afraid what he would want to do?

Han Yuexiu touched her hair and said, "You sleep to the middle, and then you will fall off."

Han Qiqing said with a smile, "Fall down, just sleep with you, it's okay."

Han Yuexiu really took her for granted.

He whispered, "Sleep a little, and I will too."

After hearing this, Han Qiqing acted.

They shifted from the dangerous edge of the bed to the middle.

Han Qiqing hurried into his arms again.

Han Yuexiu had to hold her lightly, and patted her with his hands, saying, "Sleep."

Han Qiqing snickered.

He said it again, presumably afraid of her, worried that she didn't want to sleep, but just wanted to continue agitating him?

Han Qiqing's face comfortably froze in his arms.

She closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

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